Hi guys,
Do you know any antonymous for ELIGIBILTY( Requirements to have the right to something)
The context is as follows: that staff who are entitled to certain benefits.
So , one of the items is ELIGIBILITY.
There is another item which must be the opposite. That's to say, the staff that are not entitled to receive certain benefits.
What do you think about going with NON-APPLICABLE?
Re: eligibility
Some possibilities:
Staff are not eligible for certain benefits
Staff may not participate in certain benefits
Certain benefits are not available to staff
Certain benefits are not offered to staff
Re: eligibility
Thank you very much. Since it is a presentation made on power point, the items should be as brief as possible. one-two words.
Could it be something like non-eligibilty or non-ilegible??? Is is good English?
Thanks a lot!!!
Re: eligibility
How about "ineligible" that's the opposite of eligible.
Re: eligibility
Excellent!!! That's what I was looking for. I'll use the noun: INELIGEBILITY.
By the way, I have another question, simple but....:confused:
Context: An employee is given a car, as a perquisite. He or she can buy it after five years from the moment she was given it. How can I express that using "after" and not leaving room for ambiguity?
Employees can buy the car after 5 years .......??? It is in this part where I get stuck
Thank you very much!!!!
Re: eligibility
please note it is ineligible, not inelegible.
For the car thing, how about:
A car will be provided for the employee's use. The employee will be given the option to buy the car after five years.
Re: eligibility
Thanks for your spelling remark!
About the car, the problem is to eliminate ambiguity, cause one can wonder after five years of what
this is what i have come up with:
The employee can buy the car five years after it has been granted.
what do you think?