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Thread: Help me please..

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Default Help me please..

    Hello . could anybody help me with the traslation of he following:

    hello. My name is Shannon and I'm 19 years old. I live with my parents and my little brother. I live in Denmark, but i'm ordinally from Bosnia. My family and I came to Denmark because of war in my home country.
    Usually I spend my sparetime with family and friends, but I also enjoy working out and staying healthy.
    After high school I would like to study mangement and communication.

    Love Shannon

  2. #2
    Contributing User
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    Default Re: Help me please..

    Hey Shannon,
    Why don't give it a try and then some of will give you a hand.

  3. #3
    New Member
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    Cool Re: Help me please..

    [quote=Mirage]Hello . could anybody help me with the traslation of he following:

    hello. My name is Shannon and I'm 19 years old. I live with my parents and my little brother. I live in Denmark, but i'm ordinally from Bosnia. My family and I came to Denmark because of war in my home country.
    Usually I spend my sparetime with family and friends, but I also enjoy working out and staying healthy.
    After high school I would like to study mangement and communication.

    Hola. Me llamo Shannon y tengo 19 años. Vivo con mis padres y mi hermanito en Dinamarca pero somos originalmente de Bosnia. Mi familia y yo vinimos a Dinamarca debido a la guerra.
    Dedico mi tiempo libre a mi familia y mis amigos pero también me gusta hacer ejercicios y mantener mi salud.
    Cuando termine la secundaria me gustaría estudiar comunicaciones y gestión de negocios.

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