Song translation company!
Hola a todos,
I wanted to introduce myself and my company to you -- we are called World to the Wise, an international consulting company which includes translation services. We currently specialize in the translation of English songs into Spanish. As I'm sure you know, song translation is not a science, but an art -- one must have a certain poetic sensibility to even undertake the translation of song lyrics.
While most of our songs are written to be sung by gatherings of Christians (worship songs), our scope is much broader than the Christian arena, and songs of all genres and styles are welcome. We set the bar high: our translations are faithful to the text, without sacrificing the artistry that makes a great song.
Please let us know if we can work with you or if you would like to refer someone to us:
[email protected]
My blog:
¡Feliz traducción!
David Durham
Founder / President
World to the Wise Consulting Group