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Thread: help comparisons

  1. #1
    Contributing User
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    Default help comparisons

    Hi, I need some help translating the following sentences:

    1.- Fecha hasta de la frecuencia debe ser mayor o igual que la fecha desde
    the "date to" of frequency must be later than or equal to the "date from"

    2.- Fecha de operación anterior a fecha del computador
    the operation date is earlier than the computer's date

    Is it ok to use earlier/later when we talk about "fechas anteriores/posteriores...menores/mayores"?

    What about these sentences:

    1.- Cuotal inicial es superior al Monto a financiar
    the down payment amount is greater than the amount to be financed

    2.- Expectativa de muerte debe ser menor o igual a uno
    The death expectancy must be smaller than or equal to 1

    Is it ok to use greater/smaller when we talk about values, amounts percentages....? Do you have any other suggestions?

    thanks a lot!

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: help comparisons

    You can use "less than" rather than "smaller than" when dealing with numbers and percentages.

  3. #3
    Forum User copelandci's Avatar
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    Default Re: help comparisons

    Is it ok to use earlier/later when we talk about "fechas anteriores/posteriores...menores/mayores"?

    "fechas anteriores/posteriores" earlier/later or before/after
    "menores/mayores" smaller/greater or smaller/larger

    Is it ok to use greater/smaller when we talk about values, amounts percentages....?

    Yes it it.

    Hope this helps
    Last edited by Administrator; 07-01-2009 at 04:10 PM.

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