spanish translation test sample
Hi there everybody,
I'll be taking the NAATI translation test in a month. I'm pretty confident since I've been doing freelance translation on and off for a long time. However, I'm in China now and I have no mailing address where I could receive the test kit in order to prepare. If anyone can lend me the test kit prep material I'd really appreciate it. I'll be taking the English to Spanish test, so all I really need is maybe one of the articles just so I can get an idea of what they are looking for ( in terms of style, accuracy).
Thanks a lot!!
Re: spanish translation test sample
Okay, here is what I am able to tell you
The exam consists of the following:
20 minutes for reading and 2.5 hours to prepare a paper which contains 3 paragraphs in your source language, and three questions on the Ethics of Profession. Paragraphs are around 250 words. You as the candidate must attempt 2 paragraphs and two ethics questions.
I hope this helps you out
Re: spanish translation test sample
thanks for your helpful hints. I think I made a mistake when I when I first posted so it appeared like four times. Anyways, I got my hands on a code of ethics and I'll be studying that. As for the translations I guess there is nothing I can do. However I did find some source material in English (from a NAATI English to Chinese test) and translated. I took me 50 minutes and I don't know how well I did. For those of you who have sat NAATI what do you think? Is it too literal? Where would I lose points? Thanks
Economic Growth and Increased Wellbeing
Overall, the figures for developed countries suggest that, in itself, additional income is unlikely to make much difference to wellbeing. Obviously, however, income matters a great deal for people living in poverty. There are powerful arguments for more economic growth in countries where a large proportion of the populace lives in poverty. But this should not be construed as automatic approval of growth at all costs: the nature of the growth process matters. Increases in average income often conceal widening inequality, and in countries undergoing industrialisation large numbers of people are thrown out of rural impoverishment into a worse condition in the uncontrolled economies of the cities. In addition, millions of people who have climbed their way out of poverty have been plunged back into it by economic collapse, with no safety net and in an even worse situation than when they were back in their rural villages and had a plot of land to rely on.
Below a certain threshold, increasing income does improve wellbeing, but when a nation has risen above that threshold, it is no longer persuasive to argue that even more growth is needed to conquer residual poverty. Rich nations have in almost all cases been rich for a long time, but even in those nations the problem of residual poverty has become an insoluble one. Indeed, in most industrialized nations, by some measures poverty rates have actually risen in the last two decades, despite the fact that average incomes have continued to grow.
Crecimiento Económico y Aumento del Bienestar
En general, las figuras correspondientes a los países desarrollados sugieren que cualquier ingreso adicional por si mismo, rara vez marca diferencia alguna en el bienestar. Sin embargo, es obvio que los ingresos son sumamente importantes para las personas que viven en la pobreza. Existen razones de peso a favor de un mayor crecimiento económico en países en los cuales una gran proporción de la población vive en la pobreza. No obstante, esto no se debe interpretar como la aprobación automática para el crecimiento a cualquier precio: el carácter de dicho proceso es importante. El aumento del ingreso promedio a menudo esconde un ensanchamiento en la igualdad y en países en proceso de industrialización un sinnúmero de personas que viven en condiciones de pobreza rural se ven lanzadas a condiciones peores en las economías no controladas de las ciudades. Adicionalmente, millones de personas que han luchado y han salido de la pobreza se han visto devueltos a esta gracias al colapso económico, sin red de protección alguna en que depender y en una situación aun peor que en la que se encontraban cuando estaban en sus poblaciones rurales y poseían un lote de tierra del cual depender.
Debajo de un nivel determinado, el aumento de ingreso si aporta al bienestar, pero cuando una nación ha sobrepasado este nivel, no hay razón convincente para argumentar que un mayor crecimiento sea necesario para conquistar la pobreza residual. Las naciones ricas, en el mayor de los casos, han sido ricas por un largo tiempo y sin embargo en estas naciones la pobreza residual se ha convertido en un problema sin solución. De hecho, de acuerdo a cierto estándares, en la mayoría de las naciones industrializadas las tasas de pobreza han subido en las dos ultimas décadas a pesar del crecimiento continuo del ingreso promedio.
Re: spanish translation test sample
I am glad that you where able to find something to help you out, I hope that you are able to get all the help you need to pass, Good luck.
Re: spanish translation test sample
i need very ergant help
I am from egypt
i booked for the naaati interpretition test that will be on the 19 th of august
i was not aware of the code of ethics is a requirement of the exam
now the time available for me to get the samples , is reallt short
can any one pls , send me any of those samples on my email
or explain to me what those ethics are
i really need help
hopefully anyone can do
thanx everybody
my email
[email protected]
Re: spanish translation test sample
I need an ergant help
i am going to take the NAAti interpretors test on the 19th of august 2009, the problem is I was not aware of the code of ethics and I just discovered it only today
the problem is , the short time avbailable to get the kit from australia
, it is really a short time
can any one send me on my email any information about this code of ethics, can any one send me those samples or even info about them
i really need help
and i am grateful if u can assist me in this ergant problem
thanx to everyone
my email
[email protected]