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Here are some suggestions (but I think you're doing really well):
"¿Que tal fue la cena?"
How did the dinner go?
"Que es lo que percives al ver el cuadro?"
What is what you feel seeing the picture?
What do you feel when you look at the picture?
How does the picture make you feel?
What do you see in the picture?
How do you feel about the picture?
"¿A que hora y donde nos encontramos?"
What time and where can we meet at?
What time and where can we meet?
"¿Que es lo que más te gusta de tu trabajo?"
What is it the most you like in your work?
What do you like most about your work/job?
"Como la libreria iva a cerrar, me compre un libro a mitad de precio".
As the bookstore was to going to closed, I bought a book at half price.
As the bookstore was going to close, I bought a book at half price.
Since/because the bookstore was closing, I got a book at half price.
"De momento estoy centrado en aprender ingles, pero lo dejaría, ya que lo que más me interesa es trabajar".
At the moment I am focus in learning english, but I'd leave it, as I'm more interested in working.
At the moment I am focused on learning English, but I would quit. I'm more interested in working.