Originally Posted by
Mario Verber
Your translations are ok in the sense of getting the message through, that is a very important aspect when communicating in a different language. Keep trying. Discover, research.
Good luck.
“Si hubiera ido de vacaciones, me hubiese gastado un monton de dinero”
"If I had taken a vacation, I would have spent a lot of money"
"If I had gone =abroad/away= on holiday..."
“No habría ido a la fiesta, si hubiese sabido que él iba a estar ahì”.
“No habría ido a la fiesta, si hubiese sabido que él iba a ir tambien”.
“I wouldn’t have gone to the party, if I had known that he would be there = was going to be there = was going too"
“Si me paso la fecha del registro, no podre presentarme el FCE”
(aqui no sé si los acronimos deben de llevar o no el "the").
“If I overran the register date, I can’t do the FCE”.
"If I miss the registration deadline, I won't be able to take the (test?) FCE"
“Si no me hubiese tomado la ultima copa, no estaría con esta resaca ahora” (aqui creo que se mezcla el condicional tipo 2 con el tipo 3)
“If I hadn’t drunk the last glass, I wouldn’t be with this handover now”.
"If I hadn't had that last drink, I wouldn't be so hungover"
“Si veo la foto, lo recordaré”
“If I see the photo, I’ll remember it”
“Si no hubiese llevado las gafas puestas, no te hubiese reconocido”
“If I hadn’t been wearing my glasses / glasses, I wouldn’t have recognized you”.