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Thread: That-clauses after noun

  1. #1
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    Default That-clauses after noun


    Me estoy leyendo el libro de Marco Polo en ingles, intentando entender un poco la gramática que hay y me he encontrado con la siguiente frase.

    "The vast domain that stretched from the sea westward into Europe and from Artic lands south to India, Burna and Siam was now falling apart, bit by bit, while on the throne Kublai, more powerful than any other Emperor the world had ever seen, surrounded by great splendour and pomp, still dreamed of further conquest."

    Como "domain" es un sustantivo, he buscado en el libro de gramática y segun parece, "that streched...." perteneciería al grupo de "That-clauses after noun".
    Pero miro los ejemplos que viene (abajo uno) y todas tienen un sujeto:

    "The announcement that a new airport was to be built nearby aroused immediate opposition".

    y entonces ya estoy confundido.

    ¿Significa que en la primera oración el sujeto 'it' está omitido?
    Es decir tambien sería correcta la siguiente oracion:

    "The vast domain that it stretched from the sea westward into Europe and from Artic lands south to India, Burna and Siam was now falling apart, bit by bit, while on the throne Kublai, more powerful than any other Emperor the world had ever seen, surrounded by great splendour and pomp, still dreamed of further conquest."

    Un saludo.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: That-clauses after noun

    OK, lets change some of the components of your example.

    las dos oraciones que forman tu ejemplo no tienen el mismo sustantivo.
    1-The announcement aroused opposition.
    2-A new airport was to be built nearby.

    "The announcement that a new airport was to be built nearby aroused immediate opposition".

    ejemplo con el mismo sustantivo :
    1-The announcement aroused opposition in the neighboring communities.
    2-The announcement was now reaching the rest of the state.

    "The announcement THAT aroused opposition in the neighboring communities was now reaching the rest of the state."

    1-The domain streched from east to west and from north to south.
    2-The vast domain was now falling apart.

    "The vast domain that stretched from the sea westward into Europe and from Artic lands south to India, Burna and Siam was now falling apart

    Como podras observar, el sustantivo es quien actua en las dos oraciones (cubriendo de norte a sur y desintegrandose)

    Buena suerte. Espero que esto te ayude.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: That-clauses after noun

    En el primer ejemplo la palabra "that" funciona como el sujeto de la clausula, y por eso no se usa "it."

  4. #4
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    Default Re: That-clauses after noun

    Quote Originally Posted by mariaklec
    En el primer ejemplo la palabra "that" funciona como el sujeto de la clausula, y por eso no se usa "it."
    Gracias Mario y Maria.

    Paro hay algo que no le encuentro sentido:

    1-The domain streched from east to west and from north to south.
    2-The vast domain was now falling apart.

    En la frase 2, sería "El vasto dominio se estaba desintegrando". Pero en esos tiempos, el dominio de Klublai se estaba haciendo más fuerto creo. Entonces, creo que las dos frases serían.

    1. "The vast domain still dreamed of further conquest."
    2. "The vast domain stretched from the sea westward into Europe and from Artic lands south to India, Burna and Siam was now falling apart, bit by bit, while on the throne Kublai, more powerful than any other Emperor the world had ever seen, surrounded by great splendour and pomp."

    Luego según leo, aquí "further" tiene un significado de "aditivo", añadir.
    "El vasto dominio aún soñaba de más conquistas".

    Pero de todas formas, con los dos post anteriroes me ha quedado muy claro. Gracias.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: That-clauses after noun

    Kublai had become more powerful than anyone, and with that power came the thirst for more and more.
    The domain on the other hand, as an entity by itself, was the one falling apart.
    That's how I understand it.

    Anyway, It's a real pleasure to be of any help.
    take care.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: That-clauses after noun

    Quote Originally Posted by Mario Verber
    Kublai had become more powerful than anyone, and with that power came the thirst for more and more.
    The domain on the other hand, as an entity by itself, was the one falling apart.
    That's how I understand it.

    Anyway, It's a real pleasure to be of any help.
    take care.
    Yes, yes...I understand now.
    I understood that the countries which was falling down was India, Burna and Siam. I believe that "which" was omit.

    "The vast domain stretched from the sea westward into Europe and from Artic lands south to India, Burna and Siam (WHICH) was now falling apart, bit by bit, while on the throne Kublai, more powerful than any other Emperor the world had ever seen, surrounded by great splendour and pomp."

    Thanks a lot.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: That-clauses after noun

    "The vast domain that stretched from the sea westward into Europe and from Artic lands south to India, Burna and Siam was now falling apart, bit by bit...

    In this sentence:
    subject = the vast domain
    verb = was falling apart
    adjective clause modifying domain = that stretched...

    "The vast domain stretched from the sea westward into Europe and from Artic lands south to India, Burna and Siam (WHICH) was now falling apart[/COLOR], bit by bit...

    In this sentence:
    subject = the vast domain
    verb = stretched
    adjective clause modifying Siam (or India, Burma and Siam if you change was to were) = which was now falling apart...
    Last edited by mariaklec; 07-23-2009 at 10:57 AM.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: That-clauses after noun

    Quote Originally Posted by mariaklec
    "The vast domain that stretched from the sea westward into Europe and from Artic lands south to India, Burna and Siam was now falling apart, bit by bit...

    In this sentence:
    subject = the vast domain
    verb = was falling apart
    adjective clause modifying domain = that stretched...

    "The vast domain stretched from the sea westward into Europe and from Artic lands south to India, Burna and Siam (WHICH) was now falling apart[/color], bit by bit...

    In this sentence:
    subject = the vast domain
    verb = stretched
    adjective clause modifying Siam (or India, Burma and Siam if you change was to were) = which was not falling apart...
    Hi Maria,

    Then, I understand that:
    "that stretched from the sea westward into Europe and from Artic lands south to India, Burna and Siam "

    It's a Defining Relative Clause which describe how long it is the "domain".

    subject = that = The vast domain
    verb = streched
    "from the sea westward into Europe and from Artic lands south to India, Burna and Siam" = I don't what funtion it do.

    Aunque de todas formas, esto no sé si es ya rizar mucho el rizo con la gramática jeje.

    Muchas gracias.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: That-clauses after noun

    "The announcement that a new airport was to be built nearby aroused immediate opposition".

    The clause "that a new airport was to be built" is an appositive clause. It does not modify the noun, "announcement", to which it is attached, as a relative clause would do. Rather it restates and is equal to "announcement". In effect, the clause IS the announcement.

    "from the sea westward into Europe and from Artic lands south to India, Burna and Siam" = I don't what funtion it do. (performs)
    This is a series of adverbial prepositional phrases modifying the verb "stretch."

    Also note, what was falling apart was the domain, not India, Burma and/or Siam.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: That-clauses after noun

    Quote Originally Posted by KenCR
    "The announcement that a new airport was to be built nearby aroused immediate opposition".

    The clause "that a new airport was to be built" is an appositive clause. It does not modify the noun, "announcement", to which it is attached, as a relative clause would do. Rather it restates and is equal to "announcement". In effect, the clause IS the announcement.

    "from the sea westward into Europe and from Artic lands south to India, Burna and Siam" = I don't what funtion it do. (performs)
    This is a series of adverbial prepositional phrases modifying the verb "stretch."

    Also note, what was falling apart was the domain, not India, Burma and/or Siam.
    Thanks KenCR.


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