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Thread: Trust Me!

  1. #1
    Senior Member MariaLaura's Avatar
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    Default Trust Me!

    Hola a todos!
    Quería saber si es lo mismo decir "Trust in me" or "Trust me". No es para traducir, es una duda nada más. Leí en un sitio de internet Trust in me y me sonó un poco raro.
    Hasta donde pude averiguar estan bien las dos opciones pero a ustedes les suenan bien las dos o Trust me es mejor?


  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Trust Me!

    Hi MariaLaura!

    It's correct to say that someone has trust in someone or something, or you can simply say that someone trusts someone or something. Also, American currency has "In God we trust" printed on it. So, I think it's ok to say trust in me, but I agree with you that trust me sounds better.

    Also, I think one might be more likely to say "trust in me" (or have trust in me) in a more general sense. "Trust me" might be used to refer more to a specific situation. So, for example, we trust in God or the government in general (or some people do anyway), but if I'm giving advice about what car to buy I'd probably say "trust me."

    Also, there's a transitive/intransitive situation here. OK: trust someone with something. Not OK: trust in someone with something.
    I have trust in you.
    I trust you.
    I trust you with my car.
    But NOT: I have trust in you with my car.

    What do the rest of you think?
    Last edited by mariaklec; 07-28-2009 at 04:56 PM.

  3. #3
    Contributing User
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    Default Re: Trust Me!

    Yes, Mariklec is right on the money.

    You can place your trust in her.
    I trust her.

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