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Thread: Traducir un articulo Inglés a Español

  1. #1
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    Default Traducir un articulo Inglés a Español

    Intenté, pero no puedo encontrarle el sentido a este articulo sobre la saga Saw. Ayuda por favor!

    The subject of one of Jigsaw's games is therefore always presented with an opportunity, the aim of which is to reinvigorate the potential of the subject, jump-start the survival instinct and instil a celebration or "savouring" of life. In Deleuzian terms, it is the potential of life that is at stake... It is this that gives Jigsaw's games their Deleuzian tone, the urgent revitalisation of life occasioning new experiences to be learnt and assimilated: such as the perverse, singular and aberrant situation of waking to find a man-trap secured around your neck. There is then the instruction to live or die, to make your choice, to survive the encounter with affect, or the affection-image... There is no thrill, sadistic or otherwise, in setting these games; they are throws of the die by the subjects, aleatoric opportunities... As Jigsaw makes clear to Detective Matthews during their conversation in Saw II, where Jigsaw's motivation and philosophy are most comprehensively explored, "I've never murdered anyone in my life. The decisions are up to them." Whilst it probably wouldn't stand up in court, he is at least correct in his usual, carefully literal sense. The decisions, the choices, the selection of a potential, are in the hands of the subjects of his games and he only intervenes in order to keep the game within its rules so a decision can be reached. The subjects are faced with a shocking choice that forces them to acknowledge what Deleuze identifies as the virtual – that is, the unacknowledged aspects of our experience with reality.
    This, in effect, is the particular game that Jigsaw himself plays – one where the organism might be failing but the flow of desire succeeds and endures. Jigsaw might resort to discussing Darwin's "little trip to the Galapagos Islands" to provide a theoretical underpinning for his project and echo Nietzsche in talking of the will to survive, but this merely misdirects investigators and witnesses in the same way that the gruesome traps and freelyy-flowing gore earn him his unsettling serial-killer soubriquet. Jigsaw's games are designed to crack open the world of their respective players: the challenges are nearly always relevant to the subject's lifestyle in a symbolic or literal way, bringing them to (painful) self-awareness, prompting a reappraisal of their squandered potential.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Traducir un articulo Inglés a Español

    An excerpt:

    The subject of one of Jigsaw's games is therefore always presented with an opportunity, the aim of which is to reinvigorate the potential of the subject, jump-start the survival instinct and instil a celebration or "savouring" of life. In Deleuzian terms, it is the potential of life that is at stake... It is this that gives Jigsaw's games their Deleuzian tone, the urgent revitalisation of life occasioning new experiences to be learnt and assimilated: such as the perverse, singular and aberrant situation of waking to find a man-trap secured around your neck.


    Así pues al sujeto de un juego de "Jigsaw" ("Sierra de Calar") se le brinda siempre una oportunidad, cuyo objeto es renovar las posibilidades de salvación propia, estimular el instinto de supervivencia e inculcar el júbilo de saborear la vida. Empleando la terminología deleuziana (NOTA: Del filósofo francés Gilles Deleuze), se pone en juego el potencial de la vida misma... Esto es lo que dá a los juegos de "Jigsaw" su lustre deleuziano, la urgente revitalización de la vida que provoca experiencias nuevas para aprender y comprender: tal como la singular, perversa aberración de despertar con una trampa mortal atenazada a tu cuello.

  3. #3
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: Traducir un articulo Inglés a Español

    Quote Originally Posted by Mink
    Ayuda por favor!
    Hola MInk, tú no buscas ayuda, sino que hagan el trabajo por ti.

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