Originally Posted by
Mario Verber
Si Riper, que bueno que andas alla, es la mejor manera.
Estoy entendiendo que situacion tienes, pensaba que te encontrabas traduciendo alguna tarea, pero ahora es claro.
Me preguntaba de donde sacabas tantas ideas... pero bueno, se me ha ocurrido intentar participar con lo siguiente: (a partir de esto te hablo en ingles)
Riper, I live in Mexico, at the border with California, I work as an english teacher, last sunday I took my kids to Disneyland, it was great but crowded, very crowded.
The important part of this story has to do with the fact that the employees, clerks (cast members as they call themselves) were very busy at all time, I was impressed with their kind attitude under so much pressure.
So I did one of my experiments. I approached one of the vendors and asked "excuse me where's the bathroom?" and he didn't even look at me, he kept on handing out beverages and giving out change at a rate of one every 10 seconds and towards all directions.
This was done 3 or 4 times with several of them, the reaction was the same, not ignoring me but keeping busy until the situation was calm enough to give me directions, making an effort to be as clear and understandible as possible and with a smile on their faces.
The experiment continued with the following: approaching some of them with "excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest restroom is?" (even doing a perfect american accent) and the reaction was amazing, they all stopped what they were doing and gave me very short but clear instructions and then continued their endless motions with a smile on their faces.
Point 1 - Some people will not have the patience or the time to help you.
Point 2 - As your communication skills improve try to discover (not memorize) some of the grammar. But don`t stop fluency, making mistakes is a part of learning. Mistakes are ok.
keep on telling me how everything goes, I'm truly interested Riper.
good luck
Excuse me, could you tell me where the restroom is?