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Thread: Need help with translation.

  1. #1
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    Default Need help with translation.

    I really need help. Can someone help me translate these 3 into english please. I would appreciate it very much. Thank you very much.

    (1) Cuando te conoci tuve miedo de mirarte. Cuando te mire tuve miedo de hablarte. Cuando te hable tuve miedo de tratarte. Cuando te trate tuve miedo de cautivarte. Cuando te cautive tuve miedo de abrazarte. Cuando te abraze tuve miedo de besarte. Cuando te bese tuve miedo de quererte y ahora que te quiero tengo miedo de perderte. Te amo!

    (2) Quisiera ser tus lagrimas para de tus ojos salir, recorrer tus me jillas y en tus labios morir.

    (3) Si mi alma fuera tinta y mi corazon tintero con la sangre de mis venas escribiria te quiero.

  2. #2
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    Default Poetry

    When I met you I was afraid to look at you.
    When I looked at you I was afraid to talk to you.
    When I talked to you I was afraid to engage with you.
    When I engaged with you I was afraid to capture you.
    When I captured you I was afraid to hold you.
    When I held you I was afraid to kiss you.
    When I kissed you I was afraid of wanting you.
    And now that I want you I am afraid of loosing you.
    I love you

    I would like to be your tears coming from your eyes, running down your cheeks, and die on your lips

    If my sole were ink and my heart was an inkpot with the blood of my veins I would write - I want you
    Last edited by Oscar; 01-01-2007 at 09:26 PM.

  3. #3
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    Careful- sole is suela. Alma is soul.

    I'd translate "te quiero" as "I love you". This is a very romantic phrase. If they wanted to say "I want you" they would've said "te deseo" and I don't think any blood would've been involved.

  4. #4
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    Default spelling error

    Sole was a spelling error it was probably evident.

    Te amo is I love you.

    Te Deseo would be I desire you.

    Te quiero, depending on the context can be, I want you, I like you, I wish for you, I have affection for you, or even I threaten you, I chose; I want to you. It fit, and is the most common.

    Blood became involved when the word sangre was used.

  5. #5
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    Default Calm down

    Ignoring the insult to my understanding of Spanish and english, and his inability to see that proof reading did not spot a word that was not meant to be there, might I comment that psyduck did not attempt to help the love struck petitioner, except to make a "smart" remark.
    But he has the time to quible over the interpretaion of a poem! I should bow to his exceptional understanding of the phrase te quiero though, because he has come to that understanding by watching Mexican Novelas. I, on the other hand was thinking poetry and the porgression of that particular poem and since both phrases (te quiero and te amo) were used recundancy did not seem the intent, especialy if te quiero carries less of a deep romatic meaning than te amo.
    A jump from a kiss to deep romatic love seemed less of a leap than to desire or wanting, and then the poet states te amo.

    It's poetry psyduck, don't get yourself so worked up that you have to insult people that are new here and have good intentions, and might not stay here if there are many more like you. Or maybe that is your intent? If so maybe you should keep it up when your not watching television.

    With all due respect- Òscar
    Last edited by Oscar; 01-01-2007 at 09:14 PM.

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