Re: Traduccion de un título
what about Rosie? a rose can be pink!!!
Coral: a coral can be deep pink!!
I found this. I really like it although it may not be suitable for a children's book:
Linnea ... the name of a small pink mountain flower that was named after the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus ...
Cherry, Gypsy? :confused:
Re: Traduccion de un título
I'd recommend something more traditional and classic, like Rose. Whatever you choose please no food or candy names, it sounds degrading to women in general. Something with meaning behind it would send a more positive message to little girls who are in the stages of developing a self image.
Re: Traduccion de un título
Gracias a todos/as por vuestras sugerencias. Las tendré muy en cuenta.
Re: Traduccion de un título
Hay una cantante llamada Pink, tal vez little Pink te sirva. Pinky? Maybe not.
Re: Traduccion de un título
Ésta viene de una clase de traducción en Puebla México. Tenemos las siguientes opciones:
Zoo School
Kiddie Zoo
Petting school
Funny Two-Legged Animals at the School
Zoo stories.
Don´t Feed the kids
Re: Traduccion de un título
Nursery Zoo
In the Zoo Nursery
And the little girl could be Rosa