In English:
My name is Giselle Levy. My birthday is May 16, 1993. I am 16 years old. I am beautiful, intelligent and short. My favorite class is Spanish. I like dogs and talking with my friends. I want to be an orthodontist. If I had money, I would b.u.y a house.
In Spanish (revisions needed!):
Mi nombre es Giselle Levy. Mi cumpleanos es 16 de Mayo, 1993. Yo tengo diez y seis anos. Yo soy bonita, inteligente, Baja. Mi clase favorita es Espanol. Me gusta los perros y hablar con mis amigos. Yo quiero ser una ortodontista. Si yo tuviera dinero yo c.omprare una casa.
*Bolded and underlined words/phrases need to be corrected.
But, I'm not sure what's wrong with them.
Any help is greatly appreciated!