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Thread: Need help in translating two sentences from english to spanish. Greatly appreciated

  1. #1
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    Default Need help in translating two sentences from english to spanish. Greatly appreciated

    Hello everyone, I'm new here and I need help on a few sentences from a letter. This letter is supposed to be written for my novia. I'm supposed to remind her that my parents are going to meet her. Anyways, the two sentences are:

    I hope they like you. (they = my parents)
    Espero que ellos te gustan.

    I'm not worried about the first meeting between you and my parents because I know that my parents will like you.
    No estoy preocupado del primer encuentro entre mis padres y t[FONT='Times New Roman','serif']ú porque s[FONT='Times New Roman','serif']é que mis padres van a gustarte.[/font][/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif'][/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']I know these two translations are wrong but if someone could help me fix them I would truly appreciate it. Thanks[/font]

  2. #2
    Forum User ladyargentina's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need help in translating two sentences from english to spanish. Greatly appreciated

    I Think I Replied This Post Somewhere Else.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Need help in translating two sentences from english to spanish. Greatly appreciated

    I hope they like you. (they = my parents)
    Espero que les caigas bien (que a tus padres le guste tu novia)

    I'm not worried about the first meeting between you and my parents because I know that my parents will like you.
    No estoy preocupado por primer encuentro entre mis padres y vos, porque sé que les vas a gustar / les vas a caer bien.


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