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Thread: Ecuadorian Spanish

  1. #1
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    Default Ecuadorian Spanish

    Good afternoon,
    I've posted this before and am trying again. Is there anyone on this site from Ecuador? I recently visited your friendly country. Although I think my Spanish is fairly good, I had some difficulty understanding/using the Spanish there. Yes, there were many similarities, but at the same time many differences. I almost felt like I was hearing Italian (my ears aren't trained for the Spanish used there.). Living and growing up in California, I am used to the Mexican Spanish because of the closeness of Mexico. Would enjoy any comments from an Ecuadorian or other South American. Mil Gracias.

  2. #2
    Contributing User gise1984's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ecuadorian Spanish

    I'm from Argentina, and I've worked with people from different parts of Latin America and what I learned was that there are some differences, appart from the accent. We all have different ways of "calling" things, but it's like we all still understand each other. I read your other post, and you mentioned the word "popote". I happen to know that word but not many people do... It's just a matter of getting used to it, I guess.... And of course, everything depends on the context. There are also many words that we (in Argentina) use to call a certain thing, which is used differently in another country... So you always have to be careful! =)
    I didn't say much, did I? haha! Still, I hope I can help you if you have any other questions...

  3. #3
    Senior Member ElVizconde's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ecuadorian Spanish

    Quote Originally Posted by Equine Guy
    Good afternoon,
    I've posted this before and am trying again. Is there anyone on this site from Ecuador? I recently visited your friendly country. Although I think my Spanish is fairly good, I had some difficulty understanding/using the Spanish there. Yes, there were many similarities, but at the same time many differences. I almost felt like I was hearing Italian (my ears aren't trained for the Spanish used there.). Living and growing up in California, I am used to the Mexican Spanish because of the closeness of Mexico. Would enjoy any comments from an Ecuadorian or other South American. Mil Gracias.
    Anothe reason is that the Spanish spoken in California could actually be "Spanglish".

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Ecuadorian Spanish

    You could be so right!

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