Can you look at my translations to help Spanish callers?
Thank you for taking the time to read this and if possible giving me any corrections to my translations (which were all done with online tools). I want to use them at my new job when I get a Spanish speaking caller to make life a little easier for them as well as myself. Please take a look at the Spanish parts of the following and correct them if they don't relate to the English-Thanks!
What town are you calling from?
Qué ciudad estás llamando?
Does anyone there speak English?
Cualquiera allí habla inglé?
Do you need the police?
Usted necesita la policía?
Stay on the telephone.
estancia en el teléfono.
I have to transfer you to the police department.
Tengo que transferirle al departamento de policía.
Do you want to use a translator?
usted quiere utilizar un traductor?
I only know a few words of Spanish.
Yo sólo sé unas pocas palabras in español
Please wait a minute.
Por favor esperar un minuto
Is there anyone who can speak English?
hay cualquier persona que sepa hablar inglés
Is anyone hurt?
cualquier persona lastimó
Re: Can you look at my translations to help Spanish callers?
Hi Rob! These are my corrections.
What town are you calling from?
De qué ciudad estás llamando?
Does anyone there speak English?
Alguien allí habla inglés?
Do you need the police?
Usted necesita a la policía?
Stay on the telephone.
Quédese/ permanezca/aguarde en el teléfono.
I have to transfer you to the police department.
Tengo que transferirle al departamento de policía.
Do you want to use a translator?
usted quiere utilizar un traductor?
I only know a few words of Spanish.
Yo sólo sé unas pocas palabras in español
Please wait a minute.
Por favor espere un minuto
Is there anyone who can speak English?
hay alguien que sepa hablar inglés?
Is anyone hurt?
Hay algún herido?
Re: Can you look at my translations to help Spanish callers?
creo que ésto suena mejor:
What town are you calling from?
¿A qué ciudad está llamando?
Does anyone there speak English?
¿Alguien habla inglés
Do you need the police?
¿Usted necesita a la policía?
Stay on the telephone.
Permanezca al teléfono.
I have to transfer you to the police department.
Tengo que transferirle al departamento de policía.
Do you want to use a translator?
¿quiere usted utilizar un traductor?
I only know a few words of Spanish.
Yo sólo sé unas pocas palabras de español
Please wait a minute.
Por favor espere un minuto
Is there anyone who can speak English?
hay alguien que sepa hablar inglés
Is anyone hurt?
¿Hay alguien/algún herido?
Re: Can you look at my translations to help Spanish callers?
Hi Rob! Alarat's answers sound good, exept for the first one, it should be
What town are you calling from?
¿De qué ciudad está llamando?
But the rest are all good! :D
Re: Can you look at my translations to help Spanish callers?
Thanks to everyone who took the time to look over and post responses. I hope this will help my Spanish speaking caller. Have a great holidays.:)