Hola, Despues de realizar el test oral, ya me falta poco para los demás test, listening, writing, etc...y bien, aquí tengo un ejericio que he realizado y me gustaría ver los fallos que tengo y en que tengo que mejorar. Anteriormente fallaba mucho en la concondarcia del verbo con el sujeto y en el uso excesivo e incorrcto del for + verb-ing. En este test tengo que contestar a un amigo, Robin, que vive en Canada y me ha invitado a pasar unos dias en sports camp. Tengo que contestar a las siguientes notas:

- por que sería genial ir al sports camp
- que prefiero, domir en habitaciones o en tiendas de campaña y por que.
- explicar por que quiero ayudar a cocinar algunos platos tipicos de mi pais.
- Robin sugiera que vaya antes a Canada y me pregunta que me gustaría hacer antes de ir al sports camp.

Como siempre, para mí sería de gran valor saber donde estoy cometiendo los fallos más graves.

Muchas gracias.

Hi Robin,
Yes, you can surely count me on becouse I am fed up of visiting big cities on my holidays. It was exactly what I would want to do, being in touch with the Nature, practicing my favourite sports.

As I want to feel the Nature as near as possible, I’d like rather sleep in tents. Though, it could be also a way to cut off with routine of sleeping in ours comfy beds.

I’m going to cook for you some of my best dishes. One of them is such a well-know recipe for all over the World that you must certainly know about it, the Paella.

It seems to me a great idea spending some days before going. What about going at the new skyscraper that is been building new?. By the time I am there, it will has been finished and we will be able to visit its top floor. Views must be breathtaking.

I look forward to seeing you again.

Otro ejercicio es:
Desarrollar una historia que empieza por, “Alison read the note, smiled, and immediately put on her coat

“Alison read the note, smiled, and immediately put on her coat. It was merely other note more that she and her best friends, Julie, interchanged each other in class. They enjoyed writing about theirs classmates.

On the class break, Alison went to the cafeteria to have a cup of tea. While she was going there, she was for a paper handkerchief. As she took it out, the Julie’s note fell on the floor without she didn’t notice anything. But a classmate of hers saw how fluttering it down stealthily. He took the piece of paper and put it away in his pocket.

Alison met with Julia in the cafeteria. “Have you read the note?” asked Julia.”Yes, I have, but I’ll go to tear it up because it has my deepest feelings about John”. She try to get the note she didn’t manage. Her face was slowly getting pale. “I’ve lost the note!. It must have fallen when I was asked for a paper handkerchief”. Julia told her that didn’t worry about it so nobody knew who was the note’s owner.

The following day Alison noticed that John look at her in other way, as if he knew all about her. She had made a error, but it would be the best of her live. John had fallen in love since he read the note.

Until one day, the situation was unsustainable. “Jonh, could you give my note?” requested Alison. “If you want, I’ll give my live away…”.