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Thread: How should I interpret ornery in this context?

  1. #1
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    Default How should I interpret ornery in this context?

    Hi...I'm employed as a Spanish medical interpreter in a women's hospital here in Indianapolis. The reason I'm not asking this question in the medical forum is this is more of a general conversation type thing. Frequently, if the nurse is having trouble keeping a baby on the fetal heart monitor, or perhaps if the baby isn't head down and the doctor is having trouble turning him/her, the medical provider will say that the baby is being 'ornery'. (They're just using it in a friendly way.) When I look up ornery in the dictionary, I find irascible or intratable. I see that more as 'crotchety' or 'cantankerous'. What I'm trying to communicate is more like a stubbornness or being uncooperative. (Again, they're not trying to insult the family at all.) As a non-native speaker, I'm always at a loss as to how to say that. Any advice?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: How should I interpret ornery in this context?

    ¡Hola Colleen! // Hi Colleen!

    ¿Tal vez la palabra que buscas es 'fastidioso'? Creo que podría funcionar en ese contexto... // Maybe the word you look for is 'fastidioso'? I think it may work in that context...
    También se me ocurre que podrías usar 'caprichoso' o 'quisquilloso'. // Also I think you could use 'caprichoso' or 'quisquilloso'.
    ¿Tal vez en el sentido de 'stubborn'? En ese caso es 'terco' o 'testarudo'. // Maybe meaning like 'stubborn'? In that case is 'terco' or 'testarudo'.

    Si tienes alguna pregunta, por favor no dudes en consultarme. // If you have any questions, please don't hesitate in ask me.

  3. #3
    Contributing User gise1984's Avatar
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    Default Re: How should I interpret ornery in this context?

    I believe that the last option is the best one for what you're trying to say... So you could say "terco", and they'll understand what you mean...


  4. #4
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: How should I interpret ornery in this context?

    I would go with terco or caprichoso, actually the last one would be my choice. It sounds nice and is to the point of giving trouble

  5. #5
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    Default Re: How should I interpret ornery in this context?

    Muchas gracias a todos por sus sugerencias...Siento la demora en contestarles...Se me habia olvidado ya que les habia solicitado sus opiniones (de veras, no paso mucho tiempo <<online>>), pero de nuevo, yo les agradezco a todos...Me parece que seria lo mejor la palabra terco

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