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Thread: Please help? Check answers..

  1. #11
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    Default Re: Please help? Check answers..

    Maria, thank you for your opinion. You haven't changed my mind about it being a typo but I certainly agree that Laurinha was trying to be helpful and she did a great job.

    As for Laurinha's English, as you said yourself, how are we going to learn if errors and misspellings are not pointed out. She was kind enough to bring my Spanish error to my attention ( ¿¿Qué es "Hize"??) so I felt it would be ungrateful of me if I did not return the favor and help her with her English.

  2. #12
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    Default Re: Please help? Check answers..

    Quote Originally Posted by El Detective
    I normally avoid homework assignments but since you did most of it I don't mind helping.

    This one is wrong. Escribe el verbo en el pretérito: ellos hacen.
    You answered hice. This is third person singular "el hizo". the correct answer is third person plural "ellos hicieron.

    the last three are tú fuiste, nosotros estuvimos, and yo puse. Now go study and see why.

    I DO think it's a typo and as vicente said I have also seen Joel post enough on this board to know that he knows how to conjugate...

    All of this could have been avoided... clarab's post was crystal clear

  3. #13
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    Smile Re: Please help? Check answers..

    ¡Hola Vicente! / Hi Vicente!

    Eso es lo que consigo por no usar el corrector y escribir directamente en inglés. / That's what I get for not using the proofreader and write straight in English.

    ¡Gracias! / Thank you!

    Yo también estoy acá para aprender, soy traductora (aunque todavía no me gradué) de Español <> Portugués brasileño, así que el inglés es un plus... necesitas saber ingles para vivir en este mundo. / I'm also here to learn, I'm translator (although I'm not graduated yet) of Spanish <> Brazilian Portuguese, so English is a bonus... you need to know English to live in this world.

    Y creo que dar por sentado los conocimientos de otros puede ser un grave error, es como no supervisar un trabajo porque el empleado sabe lo que hace. / And I think that take for granted others knowledge can be a substantial error, it's like not supervise an employee's work because he/she knows what's he/she's doing.

    Todos podemos equivocarnos, por eso creo que tenemos que tratar de ser cuidadosos cuando hay gente que está aprendiendo. / We all can be mistake, that's why I think we should try to be careful when there are people learning.

    Espero que pueda servirte de ayuda. / Hope this could be of help.

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