Re: Please help - Please :(
The conversation is the following: the " ... " person asks Juan Antonio if he is back with his ex, and he says he is not sure. That they had a huge fight before going out on Friday, but that they ended up having a good time. But just now, she told him to go to hell on msn.
And that on Saturday he ended up sleeping with a chilean girl. Nothing happend they had their clothes on, they just cuddled.
Hope it helps clear up your relationship status,
Re: Please help - Please :(
I read the conversation... and I think he hasn't cheated on you... he slept in the same bed with some misionary girl of 34.. but nothing happened =)
if i have time tomorrow I'll translate the whole thing for you!!
Re: Please help - Please :(
No es de lo mejor, espero sólo que rinda la idea.
nocc tanpoko voy andan buskarndo wns.
no tampoco voy, andan buscando huevones
neither I’m going, they are looking for assholes
ni nada d e esoo
nada de eso
nothing about that
solo me voy a dejar kerer
sólo me voy a dejar querer
I’ll just let be loved
por mis amigas
for my friends
y familia
and family
Juan Antonio says:
obvio po
Obvio, pués
Obvious, indeed
........ !!! says:
y si llega alguien llega
And if someone arrive, he arrives
Juan Antonio says:
y yo po!
Y yo, pués
And me then
........ !!! says:
y si llega alguien llega
And if someone arrive, he arrives
Juan Antonio says:
y yo po!
Y yo, pués
And me then
trankila enana (midget)
Tranquila, chica
Don’t worry, babe
si eri teyible e joven todavia
????? and still young
........ !!! says:
sii see...
Sí, shi
Juan Antonio says:
no te apures
Don’t rush
........ !!! says:
eso me di cuenta
I got it
Juan Antonio says:
teni recien 22
Tienes recien 22 años
You’re just 22 years old
........ !!! says:
Juan Antonio says:
por eso po
por eso, pués
That’s why
........ !!! says:
uuffff pekeña tooabia
Uff pequeña todavía
Uff! still young
oie ke andayy como pesao
Oye, que andas como pesado
Hear me, you’re such as boring
te pasa algo
Something wrong with you?
Juan Antonio says:
pa k buscar una relacion tan seria a esa edad?
¿ para qué buscar una relación tan seria a esa edad?
why to look for a so serious relation at that age?
........ !!! says:
y tuu tay con tu ex?
¿y tu estás con tu ex?
Are you with your ex?
You returned
Juan Antonio says:
no se
I don’t know
onda el viernes en la noche fuimos a comer
OK, Friday night we went to dinner
y despues nos tomamos unos tragos
and the we take somes drinks
........ !!! says:
Juan Antonio says:
la cosa que se quedo aca
the stuff that remainds here
y no sé, fue raro
and I don’t know , it was odd
ya no es lo mismo
It’s no longer the same
........ !!! says:
Juan Antonio says:
*onda* tuvimos una pelea gigante antes de salir
OKwe hold a huge quarrel before we went out
pero al llegar al lugar donde comimos lo pasamos re bien
Pero al llegar al lugar donde comimos, lo pasamos muy bien
But when arriving at the place where we ate we had a nice time
pero peleas de idiota!
But what idiots quarrels
........ !!! says:
q wenaa
¡que bueno!
Juan Antonio says:
onda peliamos como por dos horas antes de salir,
ok peleamos cerca de dos horas antes de salir
We discuss for about two hours before we go.
porque se habia echo tarde
because it was late
y no se habia alcanzado a makillar!!!
Y no se había alcanzado a maquillar!!!
And she hasn’t reached to make up!!!
esaaaaaaaaa onda!
Así era!!
So it was!!
........ !!! says:
pero estan juntos
But you are toghether now?
Juan Antonio says:
bueno yo pense que habiamos echo las pases
Bueno, yo pensé que habíamos hecho las paces
Well I thought we have reached peace
pero me mando a la chucha por msn hace 5 minutos
But she sent me to shit by MSN five minutes ago
no sé k onda esta mina
no la entiendo a esta mina
I can’t understand this chick
esta loka!
Está loca
She’s crazy
oye el sabado dormi con una chilena
Hey! Saturday night I sleep with a chilean girl
pero onda en buena no paso nada!!
But cool, nothing happened
onda fuimos a bailar el sabado
con el cesar, la carola y la cludia
Ok, Saturday we went to dance
With Cesar, Carola and Claudia.
la wea que llegamos y nos pusimos a ver una peli en mi pieza
la huevada es que llegamos y nos pusimos a ver una pelicula en mi pieza
the fucking matter was that when we arrived and we put to see a film in my bedroom
........ !!! says:
Juan Antonio says:
y nos kedamos dormidos en mi cama
y nos quedamos dormidos en mi cama
and we fell asleep in my bed
pero vestidos onda abrazados
but dressed ???? embraced each other
........ !!! says:
mmm wena
Mmm buena
Mmm good (ironic)
Juan Antonio says:
pero no paso nada
but it did not happen anything
........ !!! says:
Juan Antonio says:
ella es como monja!
She’s like a nun
........ !!! says:
iaa y yoo te creo?
Yeah! And I must believe you?
Juan Antonio says:
anda aca de misionera
She’s here as missionary
a la vida!
Volunteer (I’m not sure)
ni le pagan!
They don’t even pay her
le dan comida y hospedaje
They give her food and accommodations</SPAN>
y ella feliz
And he is happy
no es verdad
Isn’t true
es re piola la mina
Is very pleasent the chick
y me trata de cabro chico = niño pequeño
She treats as a boy
tiene como unos 34 yo caxo = presumo
She has nearly 34 y.o., I presume
oye por que no te veni de misionera!!!
Oye, ¿por qué no te vienen como misionera?
Listen, why don’t you come here as missionary?
........ !!! says:
Juan Antonio says:
caxa que ella esta en un pueblito k no tiene ni luz
Ten presente que ella está en un pueblito que no tiene ni luz
Keep in mind that she’s at a little town without electricity neither
y porque no?
Why not?
........ !!! says:
ajajja y a ke me voy a ir pa ya
..jajaj ¿y a qué me voy a ir para allá?
Hahaha and why I must go there?
sin plata ni dond e llegar
Without money neither where arrive
tay loko
Estás loco
You’re crazy
Juan Antonio says:
a ayudar a la gente po
To help peole, indeed
a los ninitos con sida
Babies with AIDS
........ !!! says:
aa obvio peroo...
Ah!...obviuos, but
Juan Antonio says:
ese tipo de cosas
Those sort of things
........ !!! says:
siempre ay peros
There are always buts
Juan Antonio says:
pobvio teni k tener no se po
un corazon gigante!
Pués obvio, tienes que tener , no sé
Un corazón gigante!
Obviuosly you have to had, I don’t know
A huge heart!
a mi me gusta la idea
I like the idea
pero el problema es que lo asi gratis
but the problem is that it’s free
Re: Please help - Please :(
You guys ROCK!!!!!!!! Mwah!! Thanks so much!! im so glad i know, gosh, i was freaking out. Im the "ex" but it was an ex for one day and already he's in the arms of some1 else.. but anyways, i really appreciate it and so glad i found this forum cos the only spanish speaking ppl are my bf n his friends :S that helps lol
hey off topic, im trying to learn spanish, and trying that synergy spanish, do u think this will give me a good basis to start?