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Thread: Desperate need help!

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Desperate need help!

    I need help dont know really were to start.
    I guess ill start asking for youre help .... .

    The thing im reading spanish and i have been doing this for 1,5 half year and i really suck.
    The problem is now that we have been giving a really tough assingment and its a group effort.
    This is were the problem begins all the others in my group got really good grade in spanish and i dont i actually cant say much at spanish at all.
    And if i cant do my part properly i will drag the other down to, and ive been feeling so bad for this all weak so i im now begging spanish speaking people on this forum to help me with this, this is really my last resort !
    The short text i would like to get helped with, is really basic and prolly wont take you more then 10 minutes to translate.
    10 minutes that would mean basiclly life and death for me.

    So here it goes ( note that my english may be incorrect since im not english also the story i made up with is really basic since i was planing to translate it myself so i needed an easy thing to translate)

    Day 3:

    Today we started the day with a really big breakfast since we were spending the entire day in a rainforrest were we was about to get a guided tour by a local guide. It was a very hot day so we brought much water. At 9:00 we took a busss that was taking us to a rainforrest with a various and rich amount of animals.

    When the buss arrived we were welcomed by our guide,Carlos.
    Carlos was an Indian and had lived in the rainforrest his entire life and he basiclly knew everything about the rainforrest that was worth knowing.
    Our first spontanious question to him was regarding what you could see in the rainforrest that was of intresst.

    Carlos then told us that in the rainforrest there were trees that could grow up to 60 meater high. He also told us about some animals that you could spot in the forrest some of the animals he mentioned was: annacondas, monkeys, jagguars and a number of diffrent tropical birds.

    The guided tour was very intresting, we saw many amazing animals and learned alot about the rainforrest. Since Carlos was an indian he told us that his indian tribe lived in the forrest, the name of that tribe was Miskito, but for a long time there were only one tribe here and that was the maya tribe.

    They had a holy bird that was named quetzal. That bird you still can see today. After the guided tour the clock had passed 20:00 and we head back to the hotell and was back 22:00. After the long day at the rainforrest we all was very tierd and went to bed.

    I would appericiat if anyone could translate this as soon ass possible since i gotta turn it in 2days. I dont need a flawless translation .

    Last edited by IUS; 01-29-2007 at 05:56 PM.

  2. #2
    New Member
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    Anyone out there ?

  3. #3
    Senior Member Nadia D's Avatar
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    Maybe you can give it a try and then someone can help you out with the edition...
    Good luck!

  4. #4
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    Default I'll do my best

    Quote Originally Posted by Djurberg
    I need help dont know really were to start.
    I guess ill start asking for youre help .... .

    The thing im reading spanish and i have been doing this for 1,5 half year and i really suck.
    The problem is now that we have been giving a really tough assingment and its a group effort.
    This is were the problem begins all the others in my group got really good grade in spanish and i dont i actually cant say much at spanish at all.
    And if i cant do my part properly i will drag the other down to, and ive been feeling so bad for this all weak so i im now begging spanish speaking people on this forum to help me with this, this is really my last resort !
    The short text i would like to get helped with, is really basic and prolly wont take you more then 10 minutes to translate.
    10 minutes that would mean basiclly life and death for me.

    So here it goes ( note that my english may be incorrect since im not english also the story i made up with is really basic since i was planing to translate it myself so i needed an easy thing to translate)

    Day 3:

    Today we started the day with a really big breakfast since we were spending the entire day in a rainforrest were we was about to get a guided tour by a local guide. It was a very hot day so we brought much water. At 9:00 we took a busss that was taking us to a rainforrest with a various and rich amount of animals.

    When the buss arrived we were welcomed by our guide,Carlos.
    Carlos was an Indian and had lived in the rainforrest his entire life and he basiclly knew everything about the rainforrest that was worth knowing.
    Our first spontanious question to him was regarding what you could see in the rainforrest that was of intresst.

    Carlos then told us that in the rainforrest there were trees that could grow up to 60 meater high. He also told us about some animals that you could spot in the forrest some of the animals he mentioned was: annacondas, monkeys, jagguars and a number of diffrent tropical birds.

    The guided tour was very intresting, we saw many amazing animals and learned alot about the rainforrest. Since Carlos was an indian he told us that his indian tribe lived in the forrest, the name of that tribe was Miskito, but for a long time there were only one tribe here and that was the maya tribe.

    They had a holy bird that was named quetzal. That bird you still can see today. After the guided tour the clock had passed 20:00 and we head back to the hotell and was back 22:00. After the long day at the rainforrest we all was very tierd and went to bed.

    I would appericiat if anyone could translate this as soon ass possible since i gotta turn it in 2days. I dont need a flawless translation .


    Día 3

    Hoy empezamos el día con un gran desayuno ya que pasaríamos todo el día en el bosque donde ibamos a tener un tour con un guía local. Era un día muy caluroso así que llevamos mucha agua. A las 9:00 tomamos el bus que nos llevaría al bosque con muchos y variados animales.

    Cuando el bus llegó fuimos recibidos por nuestro guía Carlos.
    Carlos era indio y ha vivido en el bosque toda su vida, sabía todo sobre el bosque y valía la pena saberlo. Nuestra primera pregunta espontánea fue qué cosa interesante se podía ver en el bosque.

    Carlos nos dijo que en el bosque había árboles que podían llegar a medir 60 metros de altura. También nos contó de algunos animales que se podían ver en el bosque: anacondas, monos, jaguares y un sinnúmero de aves tropicales.

    El tour guiado era muy interesante, vimos muchos animales impresionantes y aprendimos mucho de los bosques. Como Carlos era indio nos contó que su tribu vivía en el bosque, el nombre de la tribu era Miskito, pero por mucho tiempo solo hubo una tribu y era la Maya.

    Tenían un ave sagrada que se llamaba quetzal. Todavía se puede ver a esa ave. Cuando terminó el tour eran pasadas las 20:00 horas y llegamos de vuelta al hotel a las 22:00 horas. Después de un largo día en el bosque estábamos muy cansados y nos fuimos a dormir.

    I hope this helps you, good luck and bye,

  5. #5
    New Member lmontene's Avatar
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    I agree with Ana María..!

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