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Thread: Take and get a hug

  1. #1
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    Default Take and get a hug

    Hi everyone,
    I have doubts about how to understand something I was said by a Canadian friend while we were chatting. I sent him "big hugs" and then he responded: "I will take those where I can get them". I don't understand what he meant cause I don't understand the difference between "take" and "get" in that phrase. Do the expressions "to take a hug" and "to get a hug" have the same meaning here? Recibir un abrazo?
    It doesn't seem to make any sense to me.
    My attempt: Los llevaré donde pueda recibirlos (los abrazos)... no parece tener mucho sentido en el contexto que indico, ¿verdad?
    I hope this doesn't sound silly... and thanks in advance.
    I will really appreciate any help. Thanks again.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Take and get a hug

    In this sense.. "take" is used to mean "aceptar" and "where I can get them" would mean "donde estan disponibles" o "donde estan ofrecidos".

    "Get" and "take" in english change meaning constantly in conversation and when used in "sayings" (dichos) can be very strange!

    Your friend was saying that he appreciated the offer of a hug from you!

  3. #3
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    Smile Re: Take and get a hug

    Thank you. It is clear now!

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