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Thread: Help! Ayuda!

  1. #1
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    Default Help! Ayuda!

    Agradecería que me ayudáseis a traducir este texto al castellano! Muchas gracias, de verdad:

    "Quintus Marcius the son of Lucius, and Spurius Postumius, consulted the senate on the Nones of October (7th), at the temple of the Bellonae. Marcus Claudius, son of Marcus, Lucius Valerias, son of Publius, and Quintus Minucius, son of Gaius, were the committee for drawing up the report.
    Regarding the Bacchanalia it was resolved to give the following directions to those who are in alliance with us.
    No one of them is to possess a place where the festivals of Bacchus are celebrated: if there are any who claim that it is necessary for them to have such a place, they are to come to Rome to the praetor urbanus, and the senate is to decide on those matters, when their claims have been heard, provided that not less than 100 senators are present when the affair is discussed. No man is to be a Bacchantian, neither a Roman citizen, nor one of the Latin name, nor any of our allies unless they come to the praetor urbanus, and he in accordance with the opinion of the senate expressed when not less than 100 senators are present at the discussion, shall have given leave. Carried.
    No man is to be a priest; no one, either man or woman, is to be an officer (to manage the temporal affairs of the organization); nor is anyone of them to have charge of a common treasury; no one shall appoint either man or woman to be master or to act as master; henceforth they shall not form conspiracies among themselves, stir up any disorder, make mutual promises or agreements, or interchange pledges; no one shall observe the sacred rites either in public or private or outside the city, unless he comes to the praetor urbanus, and he, in accordance with the opinion of the senate, expressed when no less that 100 senators are present at the discussion, shall have given leave. Carried.
    No one in a company of more than five persons altogether, men and women, shall observe the sacred rites, nor in that company shall there be present more than two men or three women, unless in accordance with the opinion of the praetor urbanus and the senate as written above.
    See that you declare it in the assembly (contio) for not less than three market days; that you may know the opinion of the senate this was their judgment: if there are any who have acted contrary to what was written above, they have decided that a proceeding for a capital offense should be instituted against them; the senate has justly decreed that you should inscribe this on a brazen tablet, and that you should order it to be placed where it can be easiest read; see to it that the revelries of Bacchus, if there be any, except in case there be concerned in the matter something sacred, as was written above, be disbanded within ten days after this letter shall be delivered to you.
    In the Teuranian field."

  2. #2
    Senior Member mariacecilia's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help! Ayuda!


    Dado que se trata de un texto bastante largo, te sugiero que busques la ayuda de un traductor profesional (y pago). En caso contrario, si publicás tu versión traducida, tal vez alguno de los miembros del foro te ayude con las correcciones.


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Help! Ayuda!

    Gracias! De todos modos es que no tengo ni idea de inglés, la única versión que podría dar es la de google traductor, y no es muy conveniente, espero que alguien me ayude, si no... en fin... pediré ayuda en otro lado!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Help! Ayuda!

    sí, es mucho texto para traducirlo todo, podríamos corregirlo, dar opciones para alguna oración, pero hacerlo todo llevaría mucho tiempo

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