Ground Running
Esta en la oracion en donde pueden encontrar el termino que no desconozco: "Early detection of problems that could lead to unscheduled aircraft downtime, expensive repairs and ground running"
Creo que es funcionamiento de los motores en tierra pero no estoy segura del todo.
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Re: Ground Running
Encontré "funcionamiento en el suelo" . Espero que te sirva
Re: Ground Running
There are many references to the term in the early 20th century. These all use hit the ground running in its literal sense and relate to the various ways people might do this, for instance, hobos jumping from freight trains, troops being dropped by parachute etc. The first figurative use that I've found so far, i.e. a usage where no actual ground or running is involved, is from The Hayward Daily Review, October 1940:
Re: Ground Running