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Thread: to slow down the shift in bargaining power

  1. #1
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    Default to slow down the shift in bargaining power

    [IMG]images/icons/icon1.gif[/IMG] to slow down the shift in bargaining power
    soy nueva en el foro y quería saber si me podían ayudar a traducir esto al español:

    In the real world there are more than two types of farmland. All these facts complicate what happens in reality; they slow down the shift in bargaining power, alter the absolute numbers involved, and put a brake on sudden movements in rents.

    mi intento:

    Todos estos hechos complican lo que ocurre en la realidad. Retrasan el intercambio en el poder de regateo, alteran las cifras absolutas pertinentes y ponen un freno a las repentinas oscilaciones de los alquileres.

    Gracias de antemano

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: to slow down the shift in bargaining power

    It looks fine for me! However, I would choose "poder de negociación" instead. I am sure you can find the translation of the term in many books on business and economics (e.g. Porter´s "Competitive Advantage, Samuelson's Handbooks on Economics).

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