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Thread: peppered, taxing,churned out

  1. #1
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    Default peppered, taxing,churned out

    Hola, cómo traducir estos conceptos de forma correcta, gracias.

    Mr. Obama peppered advisers with questions and showed an insatiable demand for information, taxing analysts who prepared three dozen intelligence reports for him and Pentagon staff members who churned out thousands of pages of documents.

    El señor Obama salpicó a sus asesores con preguntas y mostró una demanda insaciable de información, exigiendo a los analistas que prepararon tres docenas de informes de inteligencia para él y para los miembros del Pentágono, quienes hojeaban con rapidez las miles de páginas que contenían los documentos.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: peppered, taxing,churned out

    Quote Originally Posted by kaud
    El señor Obama salpicó a sus asesores con preguntas y mostró una demanda insaciable de información, dándoles un paseo a los analistas que prepararon tres docenas de informes de inteligencia para él y a los miembros del Pentágono, quienes escupieron los miles de páginas que contenían los documentos.
    Hi there! Even though I don't have the full context, it looks like there is a sarcastic tone at this paragraph. Therefore, I recommend some creative writing.
    From my perspective, "taxing" is used as "giving you a ride" (either by cab or when a plane is taxing at the runway). And, "churned out" has the sarcastic meaning of producing tons of useless reports.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: peppered, taxing,churned out

    Overall the translation looks accurate, except for the word "churn out" which means to produce in an abundant and automatic manner. Hence, the translation should be something similar to producieron de manera agitada.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: peppered, taxing,churned out

    Agree 100% with the meaning expressed by michelleba, although I still think I could read between the lines on some criticism of the quality of this copious output. That's why I'd rather look for some creative way of expressing this same criticism. However, I don´t have the context so I leave it up to kaud's final judgement. ;-)

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