walk in
¿Cómo traducirían esto?
"Anyone is welcome to walk-in and speak with an available staff member"
Mi intento:
"Cualquiero es invitado a venir y hablar con un miembro disponible del personal."
La verdad no me convence. Si me pueden sugerir algo mejor se los agradecería mucho.
Re: walk in
First of all, I think walk-in should be walk in, NO hyphen.
I think the implication of "walk in" is that a person can come in with no appointment.
A "walk-in" (noun) is a person who shows up for something with no appointment. Often hair salons, for example, will have signs saying "Walk-ins are welcome."
Maybe that will help you translate it into Spanish. I do not know if Spanish has an equivalent expression.
"Walk-in" can also be an adjective, as in walk-in closet (big enough to walk into) or walk-in clinic (again, no appointment needed). example: http://www.lwcfl.com/
Re: walk in
If we are talking about a sign near the premises in question, I would say 'Entre y pregunte a cualquier empleado' o 'Le invitamos a pasar y preguntar a cualquier empleado'
In other case, I would say: 'Cualquiera puede pasar y hablar con un empleado disponible' o 'Cualquiera puede pasar y hablar con un miembro disponible del personal'.
I agree with mariaklec about the absence of the appointment.
It depends on the situation. Eventually I would say: 'Le invitamos a venir y hablar con un miembro disponible del personal'