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Thread: What's the correct way to say it?

  1. #1
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    Default What's the correct way to say it?

    I want to set up a meeting with a customer but I'm not sure how to say it please see below and tell me which of these two options is the correct one.

    Option#1)please give me a day and time you would like to meet me
    Option#2)please give me a good day and time in which you would like to meet me


  2. #2
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    Default Re: What's the correct way to say it?

    Do you want them to be translated into Spanish???
    My attempt would be this:
    Ruego me facilite el día y la hora a la que ud. podría recibirme.

    If you need them to be translated into English, try in General Spanish to English Translation

  3. #3
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    Default Re: What's the correct way to say it?

    Yes, I agree with Solfinker: Go with that

  4. #4
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    Default Re: What's the correct way to say it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Yv Zo View Post
    I want to set up a meeting with a customer but I'm not sure how to say it please see below and tell me which of these two options is the correct one.

    Option#1)please give me a day and time you would like to meet me
    Option#2)please give me a good day and time in which you would like to meet me

    My try:
    Indique el día y la hora en que le gustaría encontrarse conmigo.

  5. #5
    Contributing User gise1984's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's the correct way to say it?

    I think that Yv justs needs to know which one of those is better in English. I'd say something like:

    "Please let me know what day would be good for you to have a meeting with me"

    Actually, that's not exactly what I want to say, but that's the best I can do now! :S

    Hope I'm right!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: What's the correct way to say it?

    please specify your availability to arrange a meeting with me?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: What's the correct way to say it?

    More formal and extremely polite : "I appreciate if you let me know what date and time would work out best for you to set up a meeting to discuss/go over..."

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