Please help me translate this into Spanish!
please help me translate this email: bien todo ba bien x aca y el cole lo comienso el lunes un poco de peresa me da lla q devo de entregar un trabaja de 50 pajinasde estudios osea q peresa pero lo feo esq lla noi te tengo seca elsabado deciaba agarrarte y darte un beso pero no pude ojala binieras otraves para dartelo te amo mi chinito bello mi dirreccion es :______________. AND THIS TOO: te amo mi chinito rico te mando un beso desde aca chao amorsito bello te estraņo
Re: Please help me translate this into Spanish!
that is in "spanish" you want it in english tho?
Re: Please help me translate this into Spanish!
Sorry yes in English I meant
Re: Please help me translate this into Spanish!
Originally Posted by
please help me translate this email: bien todo ba bien x aca y el cole lo comienso el lunes un poco de peresa me da lla q devo de entregar un trabaja de 50 pajinasde estudios osea q peresa pero lo feo esq lla noi te tengo seca elsabado deciaba agarrarte y darte un beso pero no pude ojala binieras otraves para dartelo te amo mi chinito bello mi dirreccion es :______________.
Everything is fine over here. I start school on Monday, which I'm very lazy about since I have to hand in a 50 pages paper. It sucks that we are not close to each other any more, on saturday I wanted to grab you and kiss you but I couldn't. I wish you were to come again so I could, I love you my beautiful chinito*. My address is :_______________
Originally Posted by
AND THIS TOO: te amo mi chinito rico te mando un beso desde aca chao amorsito bello te estraņo
I love you my chinito rico*, Im sending you a kiss from here, goodbye beautiful love, I miss you
*chinito is an expression that denotates love I guess. Im from argentina, we don't use that here but its a synonym of boy, I guess
Did my best, the text was in horrible spanish :/
Re: Please help me translate this into Spanish!
Hi There
I confirm Chinito is an expresion for my dear, or my dear boy, guy, man.. It can also be used in femenine form "chinita".
And yeah, the spanish was full of mistakes.. terrible ones.