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Thread: novedad técnica recuperada

  1. #1
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    Default novedad técnica recuperada

    I apologize for the lack of definition, but I am sure you will overcome this little problem.

    The sentence, and referring to the engravings by Goya, says:

    Otra de las series más famosas es la Tauromaquia y, posteriormente, las litografías sobre el mismo tema editadas en Burdeos, como novedad técnica recuperada

    My attempt:

    Another one of the most famous series is La Tauromaquia, depicting scenes from bullfighting, and, later on, the lithographies on the same subject published in Bordeaux, as reclaimed technical newness

  2. #2
    Senior Member mvictoria's Avatar
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    Default Re: novedad técnica recuperada

    Hi again!

    I would use "novelty" instead of newness. Let's see if any native speaker of English can help you out as well.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: novedad técnica recuperada

    I don't understand the structure or the precise meaning of the original sentence. It looks to me like a plural subject (La Taurmaquia and las litografías) and a singular verb. So, this is the best I can do without context:

    Other examples from the more famous series (of engravings?) are La Tauromaquia, and subsequently the lithographs with the same theme published in Burdeos as a revived novelty technique.

    I'm not happy with the translation---more context please!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: novedad técnica recuperada

    I have no more context: Goya, engravings, publishing, nineteenth century. I think that the revived novelty technique refers to the lithographies only.

    Thank you very much for your help

  5. #5
    Forum User Leslie M's Avatar
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    Default Re: novedad técnica recuperada

    Hi again!
    I would agree with mariaklec eventhough she is classier than I in expressing the structure of the sentence. That being said I

    would be more comfortable with novel instead of novelty.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: novedad técnica recuperada

    I think we need context. To me, a novel technique is innovative, but a novelty technique is something that a short-lived attention getter, something that doesn't last.

    So, I guess I was thinking that if it was a technique that needed to be revived, maybe it was some sort of short lived novelty. If it was truly an innovation, it would more likely still be popular, and wouldn't need revising.

    Context would help a lot.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: novedad técnica recuperada

    All I can do about the context - Goya, engravings, publishing, nineteenth century - is to copy part of the paragraph here:

    Durante la guerra de la Independencia contra la ocupación francesa de España (1808-1814), Goya creó su segunda serie de grabados, los desastres de la guerra (1810), con aterradoras escenas del sufrimiento de las gentes. Otra de las series más famosas es la Tauromaquia y, posteriormente, las litografías sobre el mismo tema editadas en Burdeos, como novedad técnica recuperada. La litografía fue un medio más barato de reproducir diseños en gran número como láminas o estampas, en periódicos o en ilustraciones bibliográficas, alternando con la xilografía

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