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Thread: Cielo nocturno

  1. #1
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    Default Cielo nocturno

    Lo de cielo nocturno es por titular el hilo de algún modo, porque la frasecita que quiero traducir reza:

    Edición facsímil de la obra del Rey Alfonso X el Sabio, sobre materias minerales conocidas y su relación de propiedades curativas o aplicadas, en consonancia con el momento anual de las estaciones y el predominio de una u otra constelación zodiacal o astral en el cielo nocturno

    and my attempt:

    Facsimile Edition of the work of King Alfonso X the Wise , on known mineral matters and their list of curative or applied properties, in accordance with the annual moment of the season and the predominance of one or the other zodiacal or astral constellation in the night sky

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Cielo nocturno

    Mi intento:

    A reproduction of the work of King Alfonso X The Wise on known mineral substances and their curative or applied properties as a function of the equinox or solstice and the corresponding astral constellations in the night sky.

    Could "el momento anual de las estaciones" refer to equinox and solstice?

    I don't understand "zodiac or astral" since astral constellations would be groups of stars and zodiac constellations are examples of astral constellations.

    "King Alfonso X The Wise" also bothers me. Usually it's either a number or a tag like The Wise. Having both sounds wrong to me.

    I could be way off on all this. I'm just trying to make sense of it.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Cielo nocturno

    In Spanish we say Alfonso X el Sabio, although he's the only wise appart from Solomon. You can find it in the wikipedia as Alfonso X of Castile.
    el momento anual de las estaciones refers to the time of the year according to seasons, that is to say, according to the seasons, could be right.
    In constelación zodiacal o astral, I think that we can make the literal translation, or use only astral, since the original comes that way.

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