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Thread: retablo

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default retablo

    I'm still talking about maps, charts, portulan charts, etc.

    I have the following text:

    Sus portadas, frontispicios o cartelas son exponentes simbólicos del concepto geográfico-artístico, a modo de retablo informativo, que predominaba en cada época de impresión del mapa.

    My attempt:
    Their covers, frontispieces or title blocks are symbolic models of the geographic-artistic concept, as an informative billboard, that predominated at every time of impression of the map.

    It is evident that billboard doesn't suit, but I don't know what to use here.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: retablo

    No me siento muy seguro si esta oración habla de un mapa especial o los mapas en general. Supongo cartelas refiere a los símbolos en escudos de armas, y retablo, disculpe, pero pienso showcase es la idea.

    Their covers, frontispieces or insignias are symbolic explanations of the geographic-artistic concept, a kind of informative showcase that predominated in every era the map was printed.

    O …in every era maps were printed.
    Last edited by gernt; 09-12-2010 at 11:11 PM.

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