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Thread: please help me translate (spanish to english)

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Default please help me translate (spanish to english)

    A: e imaginar ...

    B: imaginar ke amiito?? ou...

    A: un idilio eterno.

    B: ‎=P
    no entender.. juuuju

    A: En serio no se te ocurre nada. ni la curisodad de saber que significa ..?

    B: si!!!! dimelow.. ke siginifika.. ???

    A: poema amoroso eterno .. y tambien ..

    B:y tambien.... jajaja ke xiko..cucharita por cucharita!! =P

    A: tu que lo quieres todo de una.. y asi no es ..

    A: es con suspenso e intriga ..

    B:jajajaja azoo... ske ia tengo sueñito.. buu

    A: un motivo mas en que pensar antes de dormir? tu ya seras la encargada de imaginar, acuerdate que yo ya no porque ya hace mucho me dejaste sin imaginación

    B:uhmm te kite la imaginacion??? jjiji
    no entiendo.. plop!!!! poke dices eso...
    creo ek es la noche ke no me deja komprender.. jiji

    A: jaj si, has memoria !

    B: uhmmm weno.. lo hare.. =)
    por ahora me ire a dormir.. ke ia me dio sueñoooww buuu

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: please help me translate (spanish to english)

    Uh, I’m not the one to translate this. =( ths is 2 hrd 4 me. But here goes anyway. Someone younger will come along and fix it.

    A: Just imagine.

    B: Imagine that I love?? you

    A: An eternal love affair

    B: (tongue stuck out) I’m not understanding.. Boo Hoo

    A: Seriously, nothing occurred to you, not even the curiosity to know what it means?

    B: Sure, tell me, what does it mean?

    A: An eternal love poem .. and also ..

    B: And also, ha ha, what a chico – bit by bit (tongue stuck out)

    A: You that knows everything about a person, so no.

    A: It’s with suspense and intrigue

    B: Ha ha back. I’m getting a little sleepy.

    A: More reason to think before sleeping? You’ll be the boss of your imagination, remember that I'm not because a long time ago you left me with no imagination.

    B: Um, I messed up your imagination? Hee hee. I don’t understand, plop!! Because you said that, I'm thinking that it’s that night that doesn’t let me understand. Hee hee

    A: Ha – yep, you can remember.

    B: um OK, I’ll do it, but now I’m going to bed ‘cause I’m getting sleeepy.
    Last edited by gernt; 09-24-2010 at 10:07 PM.

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