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Thread: hola, necesito por favor ayuda con esta traduccion de español a ingles en pasado.

  1. #1
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    Default hola, necesito por favor ayuda con esta traduccion de español a ingles en pasado.

    Daniel fue un abogado muy interesante, el vivía en Houston con su familia, el gano mucho dinero gracias al buen desempeño en su profesión, tenía una enorme casa con algunos lujos, un automóvil ultimo modelo, y cuando le quedaba tiempo libre viajaba y compartía con su esposa y sus dos hijos.
    Él le dedico mucho tiempo a su trabajo, lo que causo que se alejara un poco de su familia y empezó a tener algunos problemas con su esposa.
    Un día tuvo un problema muy fuerte con su esposa y decidieron separarse. Esta separación lo afecto mucho y se reflejo en su trabajo también.
    Empezó a perder muchos casos y su fama se fue al piso. Tuvo que vender algunas propiedades a causa de deudas que ya no podía pagar.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: hola, necesito por favor ayuda con esta traduccion de español a ingles en pasado.

    Tell us, are you learning Spanish or English? Díganos, ¿está aprendo inglés o español? Usually, we want you to make an attempt at it. Usualmente, es mejor si usted hace un intento. Then we can help you with corrections. Entonces le podemos ayudar con correcciones.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: hola, necesito por favor ayuda con esta traduccion de español a ingles en pasado.

    Estoy aprendiendo ingles.
    Este es el intento de traducción:
    Daniel was a very interesting lawyer, he lived with his family in Houston, he won a lot of money thanks good job performance, had a big house with few luxuries, a late model car, and when he had free time he traveled and shared with his wife and two children. He devoted much time to work, which caused to put out a little of his family and began to have some problems with his wife.
    A day he had a huge problem with his wife and decided separated. This separation it hurts a lot and was reflected in his work also. He began to lose many cases and his fame went to the floor. He had to sell some of his properties because of debts that could not longer pay.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: hola, necesito por favor ayuda con esta traduccion de español a ingles en pasado.

    En inglés, las oraciones usualmente son más cortas. Usamos “earn” cuando una persona trabaja para ganar dinero. “Win” indica que una persona recibió dinero (o un premio) sin trabajar.

    Daniel was a very interesting lawyer; he lived in Houston with his family. He earned a lot of money thanks to his professional performance. He had a huge, luxurious house, the latest model car, and when he had free time, he traveled and spent time with his wife and their two children.

    He devoted a lot of time to his work, which distanced him from his family. He started having some problems with his wife.

    One day he and his wife had a huge problem. They decided to separate. This separation affected him a lot and was also reflected in his (performance at) work.

    He began to lose many cases, and his renown was in shambles. He had to sell some properties because of debts he could not afford.
    Last edited by gernt; 10-25-2010 at 09:52 AM.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: hola, necesito por favor ayuda con esta traduccion de español a ingles en pasado.

    muchas gracias por su ayuda

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