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Thread: Puedo usar ayuda!

  1. #1
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    Default Puedo usar ayuda!

    Hello, I'm working on a translation from Spanish(Colombia) to English. I have encountered a phrase that I don't understand. Here it is:

    O qué decir de los archivos que nunca se hicieron, por incompetencia o estrategia. De los que nunca es posible consultar porque rara vez los dejan ver, como es el caso de todo lo que tiene que ver con los militares. De los archivos sustraídos, como ocurrió en el caso reciente del DAS. Y de los que se manipulan con fines tácticos, para hablar de los computadores de Reyes.

    Here's my attempt:

    What about the files that were never made, through incompetence or strategy. Those which will never be possible to consult rarely reveal, as is the case of all that which has to be seen with the military. There were the stolen files, as occurred in the recent case of the DAS. And of those that are manipulated with tactical ends, to speak of the computers of kings.

    I think I'm not understanding the final line especially. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Puedo usar ayuda!

    Or what about the files that were never made for incompetence or by strategy; and of those which will never be possible to consult because they are rarely shown, as it is the case of everything regarding the military. What about the stolen files, as occurred in the recent case of the DAS; and of those that are manipulated with tactical means, speaking [referring to]of Reyes's computers [the computers of Reyes].

    Raúl Reyes was a member of the FARC
    Raúl Reyes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Puedo usar ayuda!

    Considering the two translations above, here is another to consider. I have tried to make things parallel in the questions. (“what about the files that…”)

    Or what about the files that were never made, through incompetence or by strategic planning? What about the files that can never be consulted because they are rarely shown due to the secrecy of the military? What about the files that are stolen, as in the recent case of the DAS? And what about the files that are manipulated for strategic reasons, including the files from Reyes’ computers?

  4. #4
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Puedo usar ayuda!

    All in all I like Alan's version, it is very smooth, and the parallel in the questions is more English-like. However, I have some comments:

    Or what about the files that were never made, through* [is it not for?] incompetence or by strategic planning [yes!]? What about the files that can never be consulted because they are rarely shown due to the secrecy of the military [due to the secrecy? this is not true to the original]? What about the files that are stolen [files ARE not stolen but WERE stolen], as in the recent case of the DAS? And what about the files that are manipulated for strategic reasons, including [not incluing, but specifically referring to] the files from Reyes’ [Reyes's is more grammatically correct] computers?

    *can someone pls provide a source that supports through as a suitable prep. here?
    Last edited by Cotty; 12-17-2010 at 09:41 AM.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Puedo usar ayuda!

    You have some good comments. If you want to know how "through incompetence" is used, you can Google it. Someone can be fired for incompetence, but bad things usually happen through or because of incompetence.
    Last edited by alan; 12-17-2010 at 10:15 AM.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Puedo usar ayuda!

    >>You know the context better than we do, and, of course, you have the final say.<<

    I don't. For the purposes of this translation, I know as much as you do, i.e. the extract given by the person who posted the question.

    >> If you want to know how "through incompetence" is used, you can Google it. <<

    I did, of course, Google it and found nothing that explains it well hence my question.
    >>Someone can be fired for incompetence, but bad things usually happen through or because of incompetence.<<

    This explanation sounds good, but where to find info/examples that support this? But, if you are an English native speaker, I will take your word for it though.

    Last edited by Cotty; 12-17-2010 at 10:34 AM.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Puedo usar ayuda!

    Thank you all so much. I really appreciate the help.


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  1. 12-17-2010, 01:29 PM

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