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Thread: Anyone know if these 5 translations are correct?

  1. #1
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    Default Anyone know if these 5 translations are correct?

    Hello, I am writing a children's book for spanish class and I need to know if the following translations are correct (please help!):

    A boy that called himself Juan ran...
    Un niño quese llamó Juancorrió...

    A snowball came out of nowhere and hit him in the head!
    ¡Un bola de nieve salió de la nada y lo golpeó en la cabeza!

    only three snowballs did not hit anyone
    sólo tres bolas de nieve no golpeó a nadie

    He was getting very cold...
    <no translation... could not find one>

    They started to throw all of their snowballs at Juan!
    ¡Ellos epezaron aapuntarle todas sus bolas de nievea Juan!

    ANY HELP IS GREATLY APPRECIATED (if you know one of the translations, please say so).
    Please help! I can't find how to translate any of this stuff properly and my teacher's a real stickler about grammar... Thank you in advance!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Anyone know if these 5 translations are correct?

    Does this belong in the English to Spanish forum, rather than here?

  3. #3
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone know if these 5 translations are correct?

    A boy that called himself Juan ran...
    Un niño que se llamaba Juan corrió...*

    A snowball came out of nowhere and hit him in the head!
    ¡Una bola de nieve vino de la nada y lo golpeó en la cabeza!

    only three snowballs did not hit anyone
    sólo tres bolas de nieve no le cayeron a nadie

    He was getting very cold...
    Le estaba dando mucho frío

    They started to throw all of their snowballs at Juan!
    ¡Ellos empezaron a tirarle todas las bolas de nieve a Juan!

    * called himself...meaning that wasn't his real name but a name he chose for himself? Why not a boy called/named Juan?
    Last edited by Cotty; 12-13-2010 at 04:49 PM.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Anyone know if these 5 translations are correct?

    @mariaklec: oops, sorry... moving it right now :P

    1. The story is written in the past tense so I figured I needed to use the correct verb... but now that I think about it "a boy called Juan" is good, how do you translate that? Btw, are you just using google translate? Because you just said "A boy that was calling himself Juan" that's the imperfect form, it should be preterite still :/

    2. Why not "salió" since that means "came out" and "vino" just means "came"

    3. Ok, I thought so... but why doesn't it change to "sólas"? Also, why use "no le cayeron," doesn't that mean that none of the snowballs "fell" on anyone?

    4. Umm... what's with the "Le"?

    5. why "las" instead of "sus" because they are throwing "their" snowballs, not "the" snowballs.

    Sorry if I'm wrong, but I'm just trying to make sure I get all this right :P
    Last edited by renegade109; 12-13-2010 at 08:39 PM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone know if these 5 translations are correct?

    Hi renegade, I'm sorry I really don't have the time to explain to you in detail all my grammar choices. For the time being, I can only help you with the translation.

    1. The story is written in the past tense so I figured I needed to use the correct verb... but now that I think about it "a boy called Juan" is good, how do you translate that? Btw, are you just using google translate? Because you just said "A boy that was calling himself Juan" that's the imperfect form, it should be preterite still :/

    I do not use Google translator because I don't need to. You need to check the use of both the preterite and the imperfect. If it's easier for you then by all means say: Un niño llamado Juan corrió.

    2. Why not "salió" since that means "came out" and "vino" just means "came"
    Yes, salió is good.

    3. Ok, I thought so... but why doesn't it change to "sólas"? Also, why use "no le cayeron," doesn't that mean that none of the snowballs "fell" on anyone?
    Solo is used here as an adverb not as an adj. Therefore, it doesn't have gender or number changes. I prefer cayeron, but golpearon is OK too.

    4. Umm... what's with the "Le"?
    You need to study the use of the reflexive.

    5. why "las" instead of "sus" because they are throwing "their" snowballs, not "the" snowballs.
    You need to study the use of definite articles instead of possessive adjectives in Spanish. It is different from English.

    Sorry if I'm wrong, but I'm just trying to make sure I get all this right :P

    You are not wrong, but you seem to want to communicate at a level that you are still not ready to. You need to study more to be able to understand some of the structures that you are attempting to use.

    Good luck with your assignment.
    Last edited by Cotty; 12-17-2010 at 11:03 AM.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Anyone know if these 5 translations are correct?

    I’m a student too, and I may get corrected. But to me, the imperfect isn’t that easy. Some teachers tell students that the imperfect is equivalent to English constructions such as “used to talk” or “was talking”. That’s confusing. It is used when the time of occurrence is spread out. To say “la tienda estuvo en el centro” implies it isn’t there any more. You have to say “la tienda estaba en el centro”. And presumably, Juan is still called Juan.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone know if these 5 translations are correct?

    It is always important to remember that the usage of a structure or word is not always as the grammar rules prescribe. It can be very challenging for the non-native speaker to accept this as a fact, they wish it weren't like that and therefore they have certain resistance to accep it.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Anyone know if these 5 translations are correct?

    Hi all!
    Coty's version is right. I am just giving you another option:

    A snowball came out of nowhere and hit him in the head!
    ¡Una bola de nieve salió de la nada y lo golpeó en la cabeza!

    only three snowballs did not hit anyone
    Sólo tres bolas de nieve no golpearon a nadie


  9. #9
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone know if these 5 translations are correct?

    Clarita, ya tus opciones las había proporcionado inicialmente renegade y estaban bien

    Aunque te confieso que esto no me suena nada natural: Sólo tres bolas de nieve no golpearon a nadie, tal vez será porque aquí diríamos me cayó una bola de nieve, no diríamos me golpeó. Pero entiendo que el hecho de que aquí no lo digamos no quiere decir que no esté bien en otros países.

    Recuerda que a partir de este mes tiene vigencia la nueva normativa ortográfica de la RAE en la cual se indica que sólo (solamente) ya no se acentúa en ningún caso. No estoy de acuerdo con eso pero ya sabes lo caprichosos que son ellos!

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Anyone know if these 5 translations are correct?

    The Spanish grammar is a bit complex and thank for sharing the answers. I often learn Spanish with the help of my Spanish dictionary.

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