how to translate "dispute" (football context)
I have the following text:
La Liga está divertida, una vez más la disputa Madrid-Barcelona está bonita.
My attempt:
La Liga is fun; once again, the Madrid-Barcelona competition looks pretty interesting.
What do you think? Any other suggestions? I have an issue with the word "competition" and the translation of "bonita" in this context. This has been taken from nterview to some football club manager.
Thank you!
Re: how to translate "dispute" (football context)
It is hard to say without more context, but you might translate it as, “Once again, the Madrid-Barcelona contest is a good one.” Or, “Once again, the Madrid-Barcelona matchup is a fine spectacle.”
Re: how to translate "dispute" (football context)
Like, like Alan's versions...
Re: how to translate "dispute" (football context)
Or you could simply translate it as "match". "disputa": sporting contest between two teams, i.e. game or match.
Re: how to translate "dispute" (football context)
I like "matchup" :-)
thank you all for your suggestions!