I'm having trouble when trying to translate long impersonal Spanish sentences wich use the pronoun "se" into English.
In the case of short sentences I would normally use the passive, for example:
- Las herramientas se guardan en el garaje ----> Tools are kept in the garage
- Esta información se actualiza cada día ----> This information is updated every day/on a daily basis.
But what happens when you have long and complex impersonal sentences as are widely used in academic writings, for example:
"Se estima la capacidad que tienen los cuatro municipios y algunos de sus equipamientos públicos para autoabastecerse de agua mediante la recolección de aguas pluviales"
If I just put that into passive it would be something like that:
"The capability of the four municipalities and some of their public facilities to provide themselves with water through rainwater harvesting is estimated"
But it sounds a bit weird to me... do you know of any other way to translate sentences of this kind?
BTW, I'm new to the forum. Nice to meet you