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Thread: Books For Children

  1. #11
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    Default Re: Books For Children

    Quote Originally Posted by gentle View Post
    My apologies as I am not English native, but I am pretty sure that you will find it suitable for some more creative writing with your own pen. My shot goes as follows,
    Little by little the nearby trees turned scarce and the neighbors started fighting with each other when finding one after long strolls. Because of that, all dwellers got gloomy and tired out at that previously happy and hard-working village. And the desert surrounded their houses and covered its days with sand.
    I am 66 and living so close to the border with Mexico I should have learned Spanish fifty years ago but I am just now doing so and also working to get my grandchildren to speak it also. Thank you so very kindly for you help in this project. i and my daughter are so very grateful.

  2. #12
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    The next page reads as follows and I have two translations that seem to fall short.

    Una mañana, cuando los rayos del sol apenas empezaban a peinar el cielo, el mas pequeño aprendiz de leñador, Meguelito, se colocó su gran sombrero de paja sobre sus siete años de edad y se fue el arenol montado en su burrito. Ojalá que encuentre leña antres que suba el calor-suspiró acomodándose en el paludo lomo del piajeno, y sin mas, que se quedó dormido doblado sobre el cuello del burrito.

    One morning when the sun just beginning to light the sky, the smallest trainee lumberjack, Meguelito, put on his big straw hat on his seven years old head and was riding his donkey Arenol. I hope that you find firewood Antres sighed, heat up settling in malaria donkey's back, and no more, he fell asleep slumped over the neck of the donkey.

    One morning, when the rays of the sun barely began to comb the sky, the but small apprentice of woodcutter, Meguelito, its great hat of straw on its seven years of age was placed and the arenol mounted in its donkey went. I hope that find firewood antres that rise the heat-sighed being accommodated in the paludo back of the piajeno, and without but, that remained asleep doubled on the neck of the donkey.

  3. #13
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    Default Re: Books For Children

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Taylor View Post
    Una mañana, cuando los rayos del sol apenas empezaban a peinar el cielo, el mas pequeño aprendiz de leñador, Meguelito, se colocó su gran sombrero de paja sobre sus siete años de edad y se fue el arenol montado en su burrito. Ojalá que encuentre leña antres que suba el calor-suspiró acomodándose en el paludo lomo del piajeno, y sin mas, que se quedó dormido doblado sobre el cuello del burrito.
    I am also more of a technical translator than a literature one. In any case, when talking about literature, I tend to be more creative. So, here goes my best shot:

    "One morning, when the sunbeams just started kindling the sky, the youngest lumberjack rookie, Meguelito, put his big straw hat on his seven years old heading to the (arenol...would it be "arenal"?) riding his donkey. I hope to find firewood before it gets hot, he said while letting out a sigh, and while finding confort sitting on his donkey's back, so much that he fell asleep bending over his donkey's neck."

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