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Thread: si le responde me avisa para que montemos un consultorio y hay si es verdad que...

  1. #1
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    Default si le responde me avisa para que montemos un consultorio y hay si es verdad que...

    The situation is that there's a woman who can predict the future.So a guy started to make a joke and said "si le responde me avisa para que montemos un consultorio y hay si es verdad que nos forramos de billete"
    How do I translate this to english?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: si le responde me avisa para que montemos un consultorio y hay si es verdad que.

    The situation is that there's a woman who can predict the future.So a guy started to make a joke and said "

    Let me know if he* gets back to you so that we can open a psychics office. For sure [no doubt about it] that will be our chance to make a lot of money.

    *The referent to le is unclear here. The context should tell you who the contacted person/being is.

    This is the gist of the joke; however, in the original they use slang** that I can't come to a decent equivalent in English right now.

    **hay should be ahí. Ahí si es verdad is slang.
    **also forramos de billete is slang.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: si le responde me avisa para que montemos un consultorio y hay si es verdad que.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cotty View Post
    The situation is that there's a woman who can predict the future.So a guy started to make a joke and said "

    This is the gist of the joke; however, in the original they use slang** that I can't come to a decent equivalent in English right now.

    **hay should be ahí. Ahí si es verdad is slang.
    **also forramos de billete is slang.
    what's the literal translation for "forramos de billete"?

  4. #4
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: si le responde me avisa para que montemos un consultorio y hay si es verdad que.

    It means to make a lot of money.

    It literally is to wrap yourself in [dollar] bills.

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