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Thread: Letra con errores?

  1. #1
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    Default Letra con errores?

    Hola, Somos un grupo musical de españa que recientemente vamos a grabar un disco, las letras las estamos haciendo en ingles, pero la verdad es que ninguno de nosotros tiene el nivel suficiente con este idioma como para asegurar que nuestras letras no tienen errores.

    Me gustaria, si no es mucho pedir, que alguno de vosotros que seguro teneis un nivel muy superior al nuestro les echara un ojo, y nos comentarais sobre posibles fallos, para asi poder corregirlos :

    Aqui la letra :

    The Last to Fall

    You were forced to sign your, own death sentence to live
    You weren’t asked what to be, a king, a slave, a hero
    With a false promise of a future freedom that will not come
    I am advancing now, my self-proclaimed guides try to break my will

    and they have chained my path to theirs
    But although I can’t fly yet
    My wings remain, uncut

    They did disguise this hell as my home
    They made me think I was wrong
    They tried to blind me, to lead my life
    But their game will set me free

    I’ll live to fight one more day
    Too tired to hit fate back
    Too soon, I won't give up
    I'll be the last to fall

    I will, talk like you do
    I will also, behave like you
    But I won't, be one of you
    won't become, one of you

    With bloodshot eyes and rage, my real me lurks inside
    I start to feel the end as I see that day coming
    Don’t try to stop the clock, the time is, running towards your graves
    No God, no help, no rules, just see the present drift away and fade

    I see the others doomed to stay
    but when they will come for me
    I’ll spread my wings and fly

    No os corteis, si nos destapais algun error no haceis un favor!

    Muchas gracias y un saludo!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Letra con errores?

    Hola Jander!
    La letra está perfecta, sin errores.
    Yo sugeriría sin embargo un cambio a la última estrofa:

    I see the others doomed to stay
    but when they will come for me (quitaría el will)
    I’ll spread my wings and fly


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Letra con errores?

    Gracias Mariela...

    A ver por que palabra la sustituimos para que todo encaje bien con la voz.

    Un saludo.

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