"Las de la foto de PIM se llaman
green peas en Am. Eng. (también
baby peas o
spring peas si son muy tiernas) y
garden peas o
English peas en Brit. Eng. y
petit pois en Fr.
Las pequeñas que se comen dentro de la cáscara (vaina) se llaman
snow peas.
Sweet pea es una mata con flores."
I understood
what you wrote very clearly. What your
intention was is debatable.
The OP was about a picture of a sweet pea. In your post you called it everything but a sweet pea. The ommission of sweet pea in your list suggested that you did not know. You also posted that the small ones were snow peas, suggesting that snow peas are green peas or sweet peas in the hull.
Furthermore, you posted that sweet pea was a mata which had nothing to do with the subject post and failed to acknowledge that sweet pea is also another name for a green pea and you might have even been contradicting those of us who called the item in the photo a sweet pea.
I think you should be more careful about relying on the fact that you have lived in the US and GB when you are arguing with a native speaker. If I had lived in Venezuela or any other country for 50 years I would never presume to know more about their language than a native.
From previous experience I suspect that you just like to disagree with whatever I post, if possible. Do you do that with anybody else or is it just me?