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Thread: Como se dice CHAUCHA en ingles??

  1. #21
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    Default Re: Como se dice CHAUCHA en ingles??

    1. you didn't say you knew it

    2. You didn't say it was "additional info"

    3. Better that you bear in mind that you are out of your league in telling me how to speak English. If I'm growing sweet peas I am going to say they're sweet peas not sweet pea. I told you that you don't find everything on the internet. What's on the internet is all a product of human input and is subject to error, incomplete info and ommission.

    4. You certainly do presume to know more than native speakers. You once told me that native speakers are often wrong when we were discussing the use of a certain word. You apparently don't remember that we have danced before.

    6. 25 years is a piddling amount. The fact that you have been a teacher for 25 years and have an "above average knowledge" is far from making you an authority on how English is spoken in every day language in my country.

    7. My age has little to do with it but yes, when you started teaching I was already 50 years old so I think am qualified to say how we actually speak our language, rather than how you would, or how you think we should. Your abilities are limited but you don't know it and can't admit it. What you, as a teacher, think is correct is a far cry from the reality of everyday language usage with all its bad grammar and slang. Thankfully, we don't have to adhere to proper English, with a teacher hovering over us all day long, and we can say "ain't" if we want to even though you think its unacceptable. What you might have learned from living here for a while does not qualify you as an expert. There are nuances and subtleties and words and phrases in every language which vary from region to region. NOBODY can know them all.

    8. There are no free rides. If you post what I think is erroneous info then, if I see it, then I will comment. You don't have to defend yourself. That's your choice.

    9. Don't hold your breath waiting for me to engage you in discussions by private messenger. If you post, I will address your comments as I see fit in open forum.

  2. #22
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    Default Re: Como se dice CHAUCHA en ingles??


    "As I said in another post where you were whining..."

    That's a personal insult and the gloves are off.

  3. #23
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Como se dice CHAUCHA en ingles??


    You obviously have more time than me for this nonsense of yours...but what the heck, let me answer your nonsense for the last time.

    1. you didn't say you knew it
    I didn't say it. But I've known the phrase sweet peas for arvejas ever since.

    2. You didn't say it was "additional info"
    I did. You just don't read everything and jump into conclusions. "...quise hacer referencia a una variedad más pequeña a manera de información adicional."

    3. Better that you bear in mind that you are out of your league in telling me how to speak English.
    Never have, never will. When did I tell you how to speak English?

    4. You certainly do presume to know more than native speakers. You once told me that native speakers are often wrong...
    Yes, as native speakers we can all be wrong sometimes.

    6. 25 years is a piddling amount. The fact that you have been a teacher for 25 years and have an "above average knowledge" is far from making you an authority on how English is spoken in every day language in my country.
    Anyone with 25 yrs. in any profession is considered an expert. I am not an authority in either Eng. or Sp. I just know a lot.

    7. My age has little to do with it but yes, when you started teaching I was already 50 years old so I think am qualified to say how we actually speak our language, rather than how you would, or how you think we should.
    Age alone doesn't qualify a person to know a language, you need to study too.

    Your abilities are limited but you don't know it and can't admit it.
    Yes, my abilities are limited. All human beings have limited abilities. Even Albert Einstein and the like. It's a fact, not a subjective notion.

    What you might have learned from living here for a while does not qualify you as an expert.
    I agree. I had to study a lot too.

    NOBODY can know them all.

    8. There are no free rides. If you post what I think is erroneous info then, if I see it, then I will comment. You don't have to defend yourself. That's your choice.
    What erroneous info did I provide? Please be specific.
    Yes, I choose to defend myself when I am unfairly accused.

    9. Don't hold your breath waiting for me to engage you in discussions by private messenger. If you post, I will address your comments as I see fit in open forum.
    OK. Suit yourself. But, I still think that it's boring and disrespectful for the community that we use this space to solve the nonsense that you are creating with your paranoid whining.
    Last edited by Cotty; 12-21-2011 at 05:02 PM.

  4. #24
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    Default Re: Como se dice CHAUCHA en ingles??

    Trying to insult me by calling me paranoid and a whiner again is not going to get you much mileage. Playing the semantics game won't work either. You have already backtracked on half the stuff you've written and I will continue to "whine" anytime I see you write something that I believe is erroneous or misinformation. You've been wrong here and in the other both post but your arrogance won't let you admit it. Pathetic.

  5. #25
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Como se dice CHAUCHA en ingles??

    I see you write something that I believe is erroneous or misinformation. You've been wrong here
    Back up your accusations and be specific if you want anyone to take your accusations seriously.

    For the last time: Where was I wrong? What misinformation did I provide? I keep asking you and you don't answer.

  6. #26
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    Default Re: Como se dice CHAUCHA en ingles??

    Oh please!! If I told you you'd still deny you were wrong. Anyway, I'm not going to do your homework for you. Go back and read for yourself...and try to be objective. At this point I don't really give a hoot if you get it or not..

  7. #27
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Como se dice CHAUCHA en ingles??

    You just can't backup your accusations with facts.

    This is a serious forum. So, next time you plan on accusing someone, make sure you can validate your accusations with objectivity and not from the emotions and frustration you carry up your sleeve. You are just embarrasing yourself.

  8. #28
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    Default Re: Como se dice CHAUCHA en ingles??

    I don't have to back up anything. People can read what's been written. Trying to refocus the blame is an easy way out for you so I'll let you take it but the embarrassment isn't mine. My reputation on this board is secure.

  9. #29
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Como se dice CHAUCHA en ingles??

    This is boring. I'll let you have the last word, that way you won't continue with this.

  10. #30
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    Default Re: Como se dice CHAUCHA en ingles??

    If you are in fact looking for green peas and not sweet pea as in the flower, I will provide another link that you may use Organic Pea Seeds - Sustainable Seed Co.

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