Hello folks
When translating company names from Spanish should I translate the "S.A." that follows it, or is it part of the name?
For example, 'Ruedas Radicales S.A.' could be 'Ruedas Radicales Ltd.' (UK) or 'Ruedas Radicales Inc.' (US)
ta muchly in advance
Re: S.a.
You don't have to translate it. It's part of the name as in the other examples you mention.
S.A. = Sociedad Anónima and it refers to the type of company, same as Ltd. & Inc.
Re: S.a.
Agrego al comentario de Cotty, que las siglas hacen referencia a la estructura societaria que la empresa decidió adoptar, por este motivo es que forma parte del nombre.
Re: S.a.
Gracias por la info.:cool: