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Thread: Que Le Echen Bolas.

  1. #1
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    Default Que Le Echen Bolas.

    I don't understand what "Que le echen bolas" means in the context used below. It obviously must be an idiom of some sort, because to say "let them throw balls" doesn't make sense in the context below.

    "Que nos amenacen con invadirnos. Que le echen bolas. No es lo mismo invadir a un país que no recibe solidaridad internacionalista para responder al impostor que invadir una región donde el impostor encontrará la férrea resistencia de varios pueblos unidos por el mismo ideal."

    This is how I translated it, except I have no idea how to translate "Que le echen bolas" apart from the literal meaning that, as I said, does not seem to make sense here.

    Let them threaten to invade us. ?????????????. Invading a country that does not have international solidarity with which to respond to the imposter is not the same as invading a region where the imposter will meet the tough resistance of various nations united by the same ideal.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Que Le Echen Bolas.

    I agee. It seems to be a dismissive idiom. Since a threat is involved it could mean something like "they're bluffing"; "they're blowing smoke"; "they're making empty threats". It also could have a meaning like "to hell with them" or "let them go to hell". More politely we might say, "to heck with them"; "forget them".

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