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Thread: Please help me!

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Default Please help me!

    hello dear friend,

    Help me with this...

    Ihave to describe my teaching experience, are the following lines correct?

    High school teacher of social sciences in peru for four years. Then, during the master course studies I have been a teacher assistant of the International faculty of utsunomiya university. Taught spanish clasess in community centers and private schools.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica
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    I was a high school social sciences teacher in Peru for four years. Then, while a graduate student, I was a teaching assistant at the International School of Utsunomiya University. I have also taught Spanish classes in community centers and private schools.

    1) Where is Utsunomiya? If it's in Japan, say so.
    2) "Faculty" does not mean "faculdad". "Faculty" refers to the teachers, professors, etc. at a school or university. I wrote "International School", but what was the exact name? If it was in Spanish (Faculdad Internacional), then I'd use "school" or "college". In this context, "school" does not mean "escuela" but rather a division or part of a university; in other words, a "faculdad".
    3) Always capitalize countries, nationalities, and languages.
    4) Where did you teach in community centers and private schools? If you taught in the USA, give the names of the states (or cities). If you taught elsewhere, give at least the name of the country.

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