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Thread: How would you translate this phrase

  1. #1
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    Lightbulb How would you translate these sentences

    Hi guys, how are you? Hopre you're having a nice weekend!

    I need to translate this phrase to english, but so far I cannot seem to find an appropiate/ concinving one. The first one is:

    "No sabés cuándo llegan, pero si cuando se van". It's for a detergent commercial, and I'm referring to the stains.

    Also, I'm having trouble with this "Cuida lo que más querés". Through which I mean to say that X detergent, takes good care of your clothes. "Protects what you love/ value the most" or "Takes care of what you love most"? Don't know. Neither one of them sound good to me!

    Any advice on it?

    Thanks in advance! Thank you for your time
    Last edited by Milo O'Neil; 06-27-2015 at 03:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: How would you translate these sentences

    "No sabés cuándo llegan, pero si cuando se van" I'd say: "You might not know how (when) they get there, but you will know when they are gone!"

    "Cuida lo que más querés". "Proper care for your most precious (most important) things" ??

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