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Thread: ¿cómo traducir

  1. #1
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    Default ¿cómo traducir

    "La verdad me hacían sentir mas especial las estrellas... Esos corazoncitos como que no."

    I don't know much Spanish. I know some words and I have used google translate just to help out with what I don't know. Unfortunately I could tell that google translate was missing something.

    The google translate is : "The truth makes me feel more special star ... Those hearts as no."

    If that is the literal translation, I am unable to figure the meaning. I know it is a romantic expression, but I don't know what the romantic expression is trying to convey.

    Can anyone help? Thanks

  2. #2
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    Default Re: ¿cómo traducir

    Well, it could mean different things. But as we don't have any context, here's my try: "To be honest, the stars made me feel more special... Those hearts didn't (or I didn't like those hearts)." I understand that he/she prefers stars rather than hearts (text messaging, I guess).
    Last edited by danielm; 11-04-2015 at 01:54 PM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: ¿cómo traducir

    I agree Daniel. If it's a text...not well written, as usual with texts...it appears that the stars made somebody feel special and the little hearts didn't.

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