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Thread: Poem for my brother's Memorial Service

  1. #1
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    Default Poem for my brother's Memorial Service

    A dear friend of my late brother's has asked that we read a poem at our memorial service. I'd like to have a translation for those attending who don't speak Spanish but am close to giving up...the online translators
    are only a little help. It's not a very long poem:

    Las tres hijas del capitan
    Jose del Rio Sainz

    Era muy viejo el capitán y viudo
    Y tres hijas guapísimas tenía;
    Tres silbatos, a modo de saludo,
    Les mandaba el vapor cuando salía.

    Desde el balcón que sobre el muelle daba
    Trazaban sus pañuelos mil adioses,
    Y el viejo capitán disimulaba
    Su emoción entre gritos y toses.

    El capitán murió... Tierra extranjera
    Cayó sobre su carne aventurera,
    Festín de las voraces sabandijas...

    Y yo sentí un amargo desconsuelo
    Al pensar que ya nunca las tres hijas
    Nos dirían adiós con el pañuelo...

    I'm having the most trouble with the 2nd & final verses. Any help would be so appreciated.

  2. #2
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    Hi, I translated it but before reading it, take into account that the English version won't rhyme. I hope that doesn't matter too much.

    The Captain's three daughters
    Jose del Rio Sainz

    The Captain was a too old widower
    and three very handsome daughters he had;
    three whistlings, in the manner of greeting,
    the steamship sent to them when it sailed out.

    From the balcony in front of the dock
    their scarves laid out a thousand of goodbies,
    and the old Captain hid
    his feelings among shouting and coughing.

    The Captain died... Foreign land
    fell on his adventurous flesh,
    feast of the voracious bugs...

    And I felt a bitter grief
    when I thought that never again the three daughters
    would say goodbye to us with the scarf...

    I hope everything works ok at the memorial service, and that this translation is helpful. Best wishes from this land!!!

  3. #3
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    Default RE: A Poem for My Brother


    Thank you so very much.

    What a lovely, melancholy poem! The 2nd verse is
    especially moving for me..."From the balcony in front of the dock, Their scarves laid out a thousand goodbyes...". The imagery is amazing-so simply said, but what a complex, poignant picture it paints.

    We thank you, again, for your kind help. And I shall think of you when the poem is read.

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